As a worldwide specialist in the inventive and informative medium of PocketMedia®, globally Z-CARD® has proven itself an adept media supplier to a number of specialist sectors – one of these being the transport industry.

The company has grappled with and grasped the distinctive communication and logistical needs of the transport business, and in a few years has provided over
30-million PocketMedia® cards for world class transport systems. These cards creatively feature items of relevance for the everyday commuter such as bus routes; underground maps; terminal layouts; special promotions; and even ticketing systems - all in a handy pocket sized card that can be kept on your person in a purse or pocket.

An example of cards designed and produced internationally include a recent commission by Transport for London (TfL) for Z-CARD® to support its 'travel safely at night' campaign by manufacturing informative cards containing effective safety tips when traveling by bus, train or taxi at night. Each card also contained information on timetables, directions, contact details, maps and public services.

Z-CARDs® are not only useful when educating public transport users, but have proved to be an effective means of inspiring interaction between commuters – who are, of course, also consumers - and the transport system operator. An interesting campaign drive in France for example saw over 1-million cards produced for SNCF. These cards contained a tube map as well as a captivating snippet as to what could be found on the company’s website. Once through to the website, commuters gained access to pertinent information about all SNCF’s subway services. The campaign proved successful in driving people through to the website and thereby interacting with the brand.

In South Africa, commuter transport is currently a hot topic - and set to remain one for quite some time. With new public transport systems coming into place and 2010 just around the corner, transport is top of mind for many of us.

With this in mind, the South African Department of Transport will soon launch a new bus transport system. The world class transport system, called Bus Rapid Transit or BRT, is expected to be implemented in Johannesburg, Cape Town, Tshwane and the Nelson Mandela Metro. 'We are going' or 'Rea Vaya' is the name given to the Johannesburg system, under which it is proposed that buses will run in exclusive, dedicated lanes in the centre of existing roads with smaller feeder buses expected to bring people on the outer areas to the trunk routes.

Bearing in mind that potential commuters will need to be educated on the scheme, Rea Vaya commissioned Z-CARD® to produce 500 000 cards to effectively communicate the workings and advantages of the new system.

“Z-CARD® was the preferred method of communication for our education period, as it provides an attractive and durable tool to inform our potential users. The cards are more interesting than the standard flyer, and will make a longer lasting impression which speaks to the kind of quality service which we will be offering.” Megan Cameron, Communications Manager, Kagiso TV & Communications.

Similar to the Rea Vaya cards, Z-CARD® has produced cards for other local transport organisations. The company was commissioned on behalf of Metrorail to create cards for the purposes of educating commuters about a wide range of topics including: general information about timetables; special promotions such as availability of coupons; child-friendly cards; and internal information aimed at staff. The Durban People Mover has also recently placed an order with Z-CARD®. The initiative is aimed at visitors to the city and includes information on bus travel routes. Travelers buy a standard price ticket and can 'hop on and hop off' along the routes. The service has been included in the city’s plans for its 2010 transport system.

In terms of transportation solutions, the Z-CARD® can also be used for ticketing systems. Here it is important to note that regardless of the ticketing technology utilized by the transport provider (magnetic strips; contactless cards or other technology), the Z-CARD® can form an integral part of the solution. An example of this can be seen from a campaign commissioned to make the Moscow Underground friendlier to citizens and guests. Z-CARD®s with two 'power pockets' were created, one for the underground ticket and the other for the coupon book. The ticket could be sensor-scanned at the gates to allow the commuter through the gates without the ticket being removed from the power pocket. The insert contained an underground map, important telephone numbers, and a guide to shopping in the underground.

In conclusion, 2010 is expected to bring an influx of foreigners. These visitors and indeed many locals will require information on all our local transport systems and issues such as safety and security, accommodation, entertainment, the best places to eat and drink and much more. What better way to communicate routes, timetables and other relevant information than a Z-CARD® that can be easily retained and referred to?

To find out more about Z-CARD®, visit or contact Lyn Davis on 0861 092273.