By Darren Gilbert

In fact, it’s easy so long as you follow the correct steps and don’t take your audience for granted. With that in mind, here are three ways in which you can get better results from your mobile marketing efforts.

Time your SMS correctly

When it comes to sending out your messages via SMS, it is important that you time them correctly. This means, as said by SimplyCast on its website, you have to look at the time or day when your customers are most active.

“Though each business is different, in general, most people are more inclined to act on marketing messages later in the afternoon towards evening and often on the weekends.”

“Studies have shown that mobile phones are used most between noon and 6pm,” writes Mark Brill, CEO of txt4ever and chairperson of Mobile Marketing at the Direct Marketing Association. He continues, and in so doing, agrees with the SimplyCast team: “Although it depends on the product, the best time to send a marketing campaign is mid-late afternoon.”

Include a simple call to action

For Brill, it is important that when you think about including a call to action, it needs to be simple and clear.

He explains, “Many people make the mistake of having a call to action that is too complex. For example ‘register on our website’ sent in an SMS is too much. Making it simple and easy: ‘call us now’ or ‘reply to this SMS’ is likely to have the best response. The harder you make it for the customer, the fewer the responses.”

It’s a point that contributing writer, Priya Viswanathan agrees with in her article: “Make your message actionable, so that your user immediately understands your offer and more importantly, actually gets to making that purchase from you.” This is after all the purpose of your SMS. With no-one actually taking up the call, your campaign will have failed.

Keep it personal

Regardless of what medium you use, you will find that any message that is personally addressed to someone will work better than a generic one. After all, an SMS is delivered directly to your customer; it’s as personal as it gets.

Red Oxygen CEO, Tom Sheahan agrees with this in an article on Mobile Marketer: “Text messages are short, simple and personal. If what you want to say is none of those things you should find another medium to say it.” In other words, if you’re message to your potential or current customer is not personal, it’s not worth it.

What are your thoughts? Do you have any other tips to ensure you get the best out of your mobile marketing efforts? Tell us below.