Does one know somebody who serves every day? As a company committed to improving lives through better education, GetSmarter will be celebrating the people who invest in the social upliftment of local communities everyday – the Madiba changemakers.

On Friday, 18 July, the online education company will identify a changemaker to empower through a University of Cape Town short course.

“What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead,” said Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela International Day was inspired by a specific call to action that he made at his 90th Birthday Celebration: “it’s in your hands”. He called on the world to take responsibility to actively engage change – to become his “changemakers”, and live his legacy daily. Mandela Day is about implementing small changes that have the potential to spur large changes in people’s lives and our society.

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world,” said Mandela

Renowned for his commitment to lifelong learning and improved education, Madiba believed that knowledge was the only investment that had the power to change. This is an idea that resounds with the GetSmarter team, who propagate that improving lives comes from excellent, relevant and accessible skills development – something that the dynamic online education company strive to deliver every day.

Nelson Mandela International Day is a day for South Africans, and the international community, to become active Madiba changemakers for at least 67 minutes, forging relationships and ideas to implement daily. In 2014, the Foundation has called on the public to nominate people, groups or organisations who live Madiba’s legacy every single day by serving their community and initiating positive change. People are asked to nominate these changemakers through social media channels using #Time2Serve.

By equipping a socially responsible individual with quality skills and support in line with their personal career or organisation, GetSmarter hopes to empower them to improve their lives, and the lives of those they help.

Share the stories of those that one respects with the world by using the Mandela Foundation hashtag, #Time2Serve, on Friday – one’s changemaker could be selected to further their education with GetSmarter. GetSmarter will be choosing one of these nominated people to award a short course from their portfolio.

If one would like to help GetSmarter find a deserving changemaker, retweet a shared story, using hashtag, #Time2Serve with the inclusion of GetSmarter’s handle, @getting_smarter.