S Mag editor, Thembalethu Zulu, says the magazine was conceptualised to cater for the future-focussed woman aged 27-40 with on-going aspirations for self-betterment and the betterment of her family.  

“We believe the magazine will have a wide and relevant appeal to those women who are ambitious and experimental, and excited to celebrate their magic.”
S Mag aims to provide a platform for engagement on subjects close to a woman’s heart, with a “delicious dose of fashion, beauty and topical conversations in the mix,” says Zulu. 
“There is a huge international growth curve in bespoke magazine publications that target niche newspaper audiences. They create ideal environments for our advertising partners whilst giving our readers new and highly desirable content experiences. Times Media is proud to be leading the market with our stable of exciting magazine supplements, and I am delighted to introduce the S Mag, it can only grow from strength to strength,” says Aspasia Karras, publisher of magazine supplements at Times Media.
Themes for the spring (September) and festive (December) editions have also already been well-received by advertisers looking to capitalise on The Sowetan’s core of more than 1.6 million readers in the Gauteng, Mpumalanga, Limpopo and North West regions. 44% of The Sowetan’s readership is female.
The June launch edition will feature 28 year old actress and singer Nandi Mngoma on the cover. The edition will cover winter fashion, beauty, cooking with the Lazy Makoti, inspiration, finances, a wedding section, and a trip down memory lane with their Kasi memories feature.

For more information, visit www.sowetanlive.co.za. Alternatively, connect with them on Facebook or on Twitter.