Uzwelo and Expand a Sign decided to change that and focused on what they could do instead of what they couldn’t. They asked themselves what our beautiful country could look like if we worked together, building opportunities for those around us and their communities. They spoke about how lives could change, how families could be empowered and how communities could be uplifted and brought out of poverty through skills development, entrepreneurship, and education.
They looked at their own lives, businesses and communities and slowly, an idea dawned. What if they used their waste fabric that normally goes into landfills to make functional, stylish, and affordable bags of all shapes and sizes? And what if they trained people to make them, in their communities as an entrepreneurial opportunity? And what if some of those profits went into supporting and environmental non-profit already doing good work? It almost seemed too good to be true, but they had to try. The desire and need for change, however daunting, was too big.
Through the support, expertise and insight of those around them who wanted to be a part of making South Africa a better place, their vision started to take shape. They prototyped bag designs, engaged non-profits and communities, explored skills development programs and encountered local heroes of positive change. Stories of hope and opportunity, to make a real difference, became a daily experience.
They are now armed for change with a range of unique and truly South African bags (literally, each one is different) that are fashionable, durable, and cater for every aspect of South African life from fashion to shopping, travel to work, sport and school. They have a team of three trained women from iBhungezi/Philangethemba Trust (Molweni-Valley of 1000 hills) three women at the LIV Village, and two women from iThembalethu (Cato Manor). Each of these women are now producing bags and earning a living that puts food on the table for their families, funds education and provides dignity and upliftment for their communities on a long-term basis.
Uzwelo has also partnered with the Bateleurs, an NPO that provides South Africa with an aerial perspective of the environment. They are involved in multiple, diverse missions of sustainable environmental and development policies and programmes. Uzwelo is proud to donate a portion of its proceeds from sales to this amazing organisation and their cause.
Even though the Uzwelo journey is just beginning, the greatest experience we’ve had so far is the realisation that we all have an opportunity to contribute and make a difference in this beautiful country, and all it takes is to care a little bit more today than you did yesterday. The only real thing standing in our way is our attitude.
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