The television ad was produced by Mann Made Media and directed by Marthinus Van Rhyn, with Mic Mann, co-CEO of SingularityU South Africa, at the helm of the creative direction. It will run on CNBC Africa, targeting the business community, in May 2019.

"Everything we know is changing. We wanted to reflect this in the ad by conveying the message that companies are now moving into spaces they never imagined possible, and this change will only continue," says Mann.

The campaign supports the Exponential Finance Summit, to be hosted by SingularityU on Wednesday, 29 May and Thursday, 30 May at the Cape Town International Convention Centre.

The summit, which has over 20 international and local speakers, will aim to present a forward-thinking approach to the financial sector to help create a better future for all Africans and help solve various global challenges.

The Exponential Finance Summit is an industry-specific event hosted in collaboration with The Development Bank of Southern Africa, global partners Deloitte and Discovery and strategic partner MTN. The summit will showcase how exponential technologies are simultaneously shaping and disrupting the financial industry.

It aims to empower attendees with the latest insights on how to boost GDP growth, create employment and attract foreign direct investment.

Similar to the SingularityU South Africa Summit, Exponential Finance will focus on creating a collaborative and more economically-inclusive future, whereby partnerships and deals can be conceptualised and developed across the continent.

Networking opportunities will allow attendees to connect with SingularityU alumni. Exhibitors will present breakthrough ideas and investment opportunities that will run alongside the summit.

Individuals can book tickets now for the Exponential Finance Summit South Africa.

About the event

When: Wednesday, 29 May to Thursday, 30 May
Where: Cape Town International Convention Centre, 1 Lower Long Street, Cape Town
Cost: Standard tickets are R18 500 and late mover tickets are R20 350. Tickets are limited to 1 000 attendees.
What to bring: An exponential mindset and networking skills

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