So here we are on what feels like day 7 020 013 of Lockdown. Our country and the world is going through arguably one of the biggest seismic shifts of society that we've ever faced. And the one thing we can be sure of is that nothing will ever be the same again.

Crazy times have long, far-reaching, deep societal impacts. History shows that these are mostly for the better because the result is a change in behaviour. And not just for now — its for forever.

New fears are now drummed into our heads and we respond in a bold manner. New businesses are formed and old ones die off. It's the way of the world.

Post-September 2001, the whole world changed. We hold fears and precautions that we never envisioned of before. We changed our travel behaviour. I would argue that travel today is safer and better than it was before. But how, where and when we travel fundamentally changed since then.

Remember 2009? Life was 'hunky-dory' when, without notice, the lights went out across the country. South Africans learnt a new term called 'load shedding' and it has been a hot topic for the past 11 years.

The interesting change in behaviour we saw was that we became aware of a finite supply of electricity. In 2019, South Africans used less electricity than they did in 2009. We learnt how to cope with less. Generators became a standard and many new businesses and industries popped up.

In Cape Town 2016, a monumental drought changed a province. It can be assumed that water consumption in 2019 would be drastically lower than what it was in, let's say, 2014. Capetonians are now hyper-aware of water usage as a result.

What does this all mean? Well, crazy times change behaviour — forever.

Now here is the interesting part. What behaviours are yet to change? We can all look at our individual industries and identify a few thoughts regarding this. Here are seven to begin with:
  1. Will travel ever the same again? How comfortable do you feel with 300 strangers breathing the same air as you for eight hours or more?
  2. How strict will nations become before they let 'outsiders' in again? We most supposedly will all have to travel with an 'all clear' from a recognised doctor to any destination.
  3. How do you feel about cinemas and restaurants that have had to change the experience to accommodate for more cautious customers?
  4. How many people who normally read newspapers and magazines, have fallen out of this habit during this lockdown period, and are unlikely to ever pick one up again?
  5. Many businesses have learnt that staff can work from home in a very effective manner. What does that mean for commuter patterns?
  6. If there is no more 'drive time', what does it mean for television and radio audiences, as well as for OOH and other roadside furniture?
  7. Day time television, which is always a powerful medium (even though underrated), might become even stronger. And streaming services like DSTV Now and Showmax will continue to grow at an exponential rate and take their place in the sun.
Commercial property will never be the same; neither will hospitals or how governments operate. We will see a spike in conservative nationalism. Time will tell, but for those making business plans for the future, know that all bets are off.

The consumer will be different. The world will be vastly different. That presents a threat and also a massive opportunity. Stay light on your feet, keep adapting and offering value, and the world post-COVID-19 might well be your oyster.

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