Clarity has become the new buzzword behind a brand’s positioning. This is because it is essential to keep your destination in mind when planning your consumer journey. That’s why the topic at the M&C Saatchi Abel webinar for 2021 was ‘Powered by clarity’.

So what can a brand do to improve their positioning and find that clarity? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

media update’s Maryna Steyn spoke to Diana Springer, managing partner at M&C Saatchi Abel, about how brands can position themselves more effectively.

Ready to jump in? Let’s go!

1. Can you explain what is meant by “if a brand snoozes on brand positioning, they lose?”

Brand positioning can sometimes feel quite theoretical and a little old-fashioned; it was in our ‘Marketing 101’ textbooks. So it can feel like a bit of a boring topic — a snooze. But, having a clear and precise positioning is fundamental to a brand's sustained impact.

We like to think about positioning as mapping a path for the future of brands. A clear positioning helps you to navigate marketing decisions and remain relevant.

2. How can brands determine what their precise positioning is?

As discussed in the [M&C Saatchi Abel] webinar, we like to think about positioning as an exercise in finding the only possible words for your brand.

The words that just feel right for the business, category and audience. Here are some steps that brands can take to unlock this clarity:

  • Understand more than your market’s demographics, mindset and drivers of purchase (motivators).
  • Go beyond the what (the features and benefits) of your product to consider the when. This ‘when’ are the moments where your category and brand are needed, and the role of the brand in your audience’s life.
  • Determine what makes your brand distinct, or where you can build distinctiveness.

3. How can brands make the shift to identify and focus on their unique selling perspective?

This is really all about insights. As a brand, you need to understand what motivates your audience, as well as understand your category entry points.

You also need to know what role you want to play and how you would like to make your audience feel.

4. What advice can you give to brands about understanding their audience’s mindset?

You need to go beyond the zeitgeist and really understand how your audience shops, chooses and uses your category or product.

What are the drivers of this choice? What are you solving for the consumer or what need can you meet? It’s often the small insights that can lead to the biggest ideas.
We believe that having a clear and precise positioning is fundamental to a brand's sustained impact.
5. What advice can you give brands that are fearful of regaining their balance through brand positioning?

I’d suggest that these brands focus on clarity, simplicity and consistency.

Clarity: Be very clear about your problem, because ‘a problem well put is a problem half solved’. So make sure you have very clear and measurable objectives.

Simplicity: Don’t try and do everything at once, take it one step at a time — after all, strategy is sacrifice.

Consistency: Stick to consistency — the more you reinforce your message or creative idea, the more effective it will be.

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Now that you know about brand positioning, why not find out more about Branding: Relevance versus resonance.