Once there was a marketer that lost his way. When his customers asked for a story, he didn't know what to say.
He bent over backwards for every marketing message sent. But soon he realised it was only a waste of the time he spent.
Without the secret of storytelling, he didn't know what to do. How could he produce a message for them that would get through?
But the secret wasn't hidden; it was a simple process of three steps. And if you
yourself are looking for it, it's coming up next.
Gather 'round and take a page from media update's book. Be still and listen as Lara Smit takes a look:
What else should marketers learn about storytelling? Let us know in the comments section below.
Marketers, do you want to learn more about harnessing your inner storyteller? Then be sure to read our article, All great marketers are excellent storytellers.
*Image courtesy of Canva**Information sourced from Microsoft and Digital School of Marketing