As online learning continues to evolve, learning anywhere anytime is key for students, according to the brand. Market research suggests, however, that to date, the complexity, cost and time involved have made creating branded mobile solutions prohibitive.

The average market cost to develop, publish and maintain an advanced mobile app is up to USD$82 000, with a development period of up to 19 weeks. Through a staged process that combines automation with specialist consultation, Thinkific says that it can help creators to develop and deploy advanced, feature-rich apps that highlight their unique brand identity for a small monthly fee.

According to Thinkific, with its Branded Mobile offerings, students can always stay engaged and connected to content and their community. In addition, by enabling students to control their learning experience, mobile apps have been shown to increase course completion rates and community engagement within mobile learning, helping Creator Educators build more substantial, more successful businesses.

Businesses and creators can fully customise their app listings in the Google Play and Apple App Stores to reflect their unique brand identity. They can tailor in-app experiences to their specific audiences and course design.

"We have a laser-focus on the delivery of consistent innovation, providing creators with the best and most advanced tools to build and scale incredible online businesses," says Greg Smith, CEO of Thinkific.

"The mobile learning market is seeing growth, and through our new Branded Mobile, white-labelled app solution, we're able to quickly and cost-effectively fast-track a creator's brand and business to mobile through their unique branded app. There, they can deliver incredible educational and community experiences that meet their students exactly where and when they want to learn," Smith adds.

Branded apps offer students a seamless learning experience, providing comprehensive and on-the-go access to course materials, including:
  • video
  • audio
  • PDF
  • text, and
  • downloadable lessons.

Creator Educator Cinnamon McCann, founder of Driven Spice, concludes, "Mobile creates flexibility for students and instructors. I could handle questions and replies early on, something that increases students’ overall experience. In addition, the app increased the engagement level with notifications, which helps students stay committed and more likely to complete the programme."

Branded Mobile is currently available to Thinkific Plus customers and will be rolled out to additional plans in the coming months.

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