No one is shocked when I say that social media is a crucial part of any marketing strategy. The dream is to go viral, but the reality is that you are hoping to reach at least a portion of your audience. 

Every marketer has go-to social platforms — but for some reason, LinkedIn often feels like the forgotten platform. 

That is why media update's Alrika Möller is clueing you in on the many ways LinkedIn can be used as a marketing tool — showing its true value:


Page Versus Profile

Pages on LinkedIn — unlike profiles — don't need an invitation. Users can easily follow and view as many pages as they want. Profiles are private and for a specific audience. 

If you want to use LinkedIn for your brand, you need a business page. Pages encourage engagement, and people are more inclined to interact with and share the posts of a business page than a profile. 


Targeted audience

Keep in mind that LinkedIn provides the ability to search for a very specific group of people based on:

  • profession

  • education

  • area, and  

  • industry. 

Once you have identified your audience, you can find them on LinkedIn. This will give you more information about their likes, dislikes and everyday lives — making it easier to connect with them through your content. 

This is extra helpful if your brand provides a product or service for people of a specific profession


Curated Content

LinkedIn is very content-driven. Create content comprising various lengths that not only promote your products and services but also your brand identity. 

Longer content is often used for information and refined searches. Your audience might then begin to view your brand as a trusted source of information

Shorter content promotes engagement and is easy to enjoy in short bursts. 

The more your audience engages with your page, the more they will see it and create a connection


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*Image courtesy of Canva