According to the academy, the world is a very different place to where it was even four or five years ago.

The rate and pace of change is intense, and AI is a driving force behind the evolutions of myriad industries, importantly including marketing. It is rapidly affecting commercial competitiveness and brands' abilities to keep up, the academy says.

Where once now-considered "traditional methods" were used — such as CRM systems, geo-targeting, personalisation, etc. — today's marketers must grasp complex AI-based concepts and data-driven tech. This is so that they can best engage their audiences and encourage conversion, while always keeping up with the industry and leading tech-led organisations changes, the academy adds.

Without a doubt, those who do will lead the charge and so too will their brands. It's without question the new competitive battlefield. The academy says that MMA Global aims to address this through the academy.

MMA Global is a leading international marketing body. The entity says that it launched the educational academy for professionals.  

With its origins in Turkey, where the programme is up and running already, the MMA Academy has expanded in the sub-Saharan Africa region, including South Africa.

According to the academy, it gives members — be they undergrads or members of the C-Suite — access to the virtual programmes and lessons to provide them with current intelligence, which they need now. The access forms part of membership.

"The speed at which AI is changing the marketing industry is significant — from Google AI Search to using AI to develop hyper-targeted audience segments, and let's not forget GenAI that is used to help create compelling digital content for social media, online video, gaming etc.," says Sarah Utermark, country director at MMA SA. 

"Marketers everywhere need to be on the front foot of the marketing industry to ensure they keep abreast of these wildly changing times, and especially younger demographics," adds Utermark. 

According to the academy, the content that will be available to MMA members will consist of formats like:

  • workshops
  • webinars
  • lunch-break sessions
  • guest lecturers, and
  • online training catalogues to a technology bootcamp specifically for the C-Suite. 

The MMA Academy says that its curriculum is designed to address the rapidly evolving digital marketing landscape. As AI technologies continue to reshape the industry, the academy's programmes offer unparalleled opportunities for marketers to gain deep insights into customer behaviour and preferences through advanced data analysis and predictive analytics.

By harnessing the power of AI, marketers can:

  • create highly personalised campaigns
  • optimise spending, and 
  • enhance customer experiences, leading to substantial business growth.

"The MMA Global and MMA SSA and SA are proud to be the gateway to years of proprietary content that will upskill the industry, while regularly creating new, future-proofing content too, arming professionals with knowledge needed now," says Utermark. 

"Our primary goal is to ensure that marketers become equipped with competencies and skills that will take them forward into the next level of AI-led marketing," adds Utermark. 

According to the academy, the levels are broken down into three tiers:

  • undergrad
  • professional, and
  • C-Suite.

The MMA Academy adds that it showcases real-world case studies of successful AI implementations in marketing, demonstrating measurable improvements in performance and ROI. These examples serve as a testament to the transformative potential of AI in marketing strategies. 

Looking ahead, the academy says it remains committed to exploring emerging trends and future applications of AI and Martech, ensuring that marketers stay ahead of the curve and continue to drive business growth. 

"The MMA Academy invites marketing professionals across sub-Sahara and Africa to join this educational revolution. By investing in AI-driven marketing education, we can collectively elevate the standards of the marketing industry, drive economic growth, and create a brighter future for the region," says Utermark.

"The academy is dedicated to helping businesses grow through learning and transformation, providing the tools and knowledge necessary for sustained success in the digital age," adds Utermark. 

MMA SA members have been encouraged to access and sign up for the various programmes, based on designation level here.

The academy concludes that more information will also be available at the upcoming MMA SA IMPACT Forum on Thursday, 12 September, as part of the CMO Summit taking place at the Sandton Convention Centre between 17:00 and 20:00.

Individuals are encouraged to click here to register either as members or non-members using code MMA.

For more information, visit You can also follow MMA Global on Facebook, LinkedIn, X, or on Instagram.

*Image courtesy of contributor