According to the network, this is no easy task given the extremely diverse markets the company services across the continent: It has some 250 people in 37 wholly-owned offices in Africa. 

"Thomas's decade-long dedication to Simply Black Media equips her with unparalleled experience and insight, making her the ideal choice for COO," says Simply Black Media's CEO Carine Haffejee. 

"One can't say it often enough — Africa isn't a country. This vast continent's markets are exceptionally diverse, which is why we have spent the last 10 years investing in home-grown talent in our local offices. Our clients rely on our in-depth knowledge and experience to help them navigate these markets and help them craft campaigns that generate a measurable return on their efforts and investment," Thomas says.

"My focus is to ensure we remain true to our founding principles of 'Brilliant at Basics' and 'Expert Execution'. However, as we build our business, my role will be to develop the tools and processes to support our teams in accessing our deep experience, specialist knowledge and local market networks in a unified framework. The goal is to make it easier for clients to get the insights they need — fast, consistently and reliably," adds Thomas.

According to the network, data is the new business gold, and that's particularly true in the African media space where there is not the same level of hard information available as there is in South Africa or in the developed world.

Simply Black says that it is unique in that over the past 15 years it has built up a rich and multilayered data set about the media landscape and consumer behaviour in the various African markets in which it operates. It has also created tools to leverage this data to deliver actionable insights in conceptualising impactful media campaigns.

For example, Simply Black says that it's planning tool benefits from a wealth of data to ensure that the planning process is highly effective and takes previous campaign performance into account. In addition, its media measuring tool monitors that the planned campaign is actually going out as planned. 

"One of the big challenges when it comes to media campaigns in African markets relates to confirming that the placements are made as planned," Thomas says. "Thanks to our network, we can do this — it's just another unique part of our offering to ambitious clients wanting to win on the continent."

Haffejee says that Thomas's appointment is a critical milestone in Simply Black's growth into Africa's expert agency of choice.

"Our experience across Africa's diverse media markets, and the data we have accumulated, are invaluable in enabling the proper planning and execution of campaigns in these markets," Haffejee says. "But it is people that are the real secret to our business success."

"Thomas is a perfect example of this. Her strong values, grit and perseverance, as well as her obsession with delighting clients, make her the obvious choice to take us to the next level. We are super optimistic about the future of the continent and the talent in the markets in which we operate. With Thomas's lead, we believe we can achieve our goal of creating client experiences that deliver tangible return on investment while creating moments of client delight at every interaction," Haffejee adds.

The network concludes that Thomas holds a BA degree in marketing and communications from AAA. She is a new mom and has been in the industry for more than 12 years. She has extensively travelled the continent and is passionate about people and her pursuit of allowing them to spend time on things that make their lives easier.

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*Image courtesy of contributor