Email marketing is affordable and accessible.

It helps personalise content, drives traffic and sales, and produces a high ROI for almost any brand.

However, you need to do it right to stand out from the sea of emails sent daily.


media update's Joreke Kleynhans shows you the way to marketing email success.


Use an Effective Subject Line

Your email subject line causes (or doesn't) readers to open the message and read the body copy. Your goal with the subject line should be to encourage recipients to open the email.

To write a subject with a high open rate, follow these four rules:

  1. Grab attention.
  2. Get personal.
  3. Induce curiosity.
  4. Create a sense of urgency.

For example: Hey [first name]! Check out this offer — valid today only!


Keep It Short

The average adult's attention span is shorter than nine seconds. You want to keep your readers engaged until the end of your email.

So, to make it easier to read until the end of your email, make the end come sooner!

You can determine whether or not a sentence is essential by reading it separately from the rest of the email. If it can still promote your brand, keep it. If not, you know what to do.


Include a Call to Action

Most consumers need to be steered in the direction of action, especially if they are not standing in front of a shelf with tangible products.

It's up to you to encourage recipients to take action. A good call to action directly relates to your goal and creates a sense of urgency.

The best subject lines consist of two to three words that clearly communicate the desired action.

For example, "Click here" does not set expectations; it is just an instruction. "Purchase tickets", however, clearly indicates what you want the reader to do.


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To be successful in marketing, you sometimes need to go back to basics. Use our article, Why having a strong USP is crucial for marketing triumph, as a refresher!

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