In the world of creatives, AI is either seen as a friend or a foe — but like it or not, AI is here to stay. 


This is why we wanted to know how it can be utilised in the African market and how it can aid marketers and businesses — both big and small.


So read on because media update's Saads Abrahams spoke to Dr Mark Nasila, the AI specialist for the 2024 SingularityU South Africa Summit.

How can AI help advance marketing and branding campaigns as well as creativity?  

AI can significantly enhance marketing, branding and creativity by providing data-driven insights, personalising content and generating high-quality content. AI algorithms can analyse vast amounts of data to understand consumer behaviour, preferences and trends, enabling informed decision-making. 

Additionally, AI can predict campaign performance, track brand mentions and automate routine tasks, freeing up human creatives to focus on strategy and innovation.

AI can also assist in brainstorming sessions, generate ideas and develop interactive storytelling experiences. By augmenting human capabilities, AI unlocks new possibilities for marketing, branding and creativity — driving innovation and business growth

Overall, AI empowers marketers and creatives to develop more effective campaigns, build stronger brands and create engaging content that resonates with audiences. 


In light of how AI is growing, should anyone in the creative and marketing industry fear for their jobs?

The growth of AI in the creative and marketing industries doesn't necessarily mean job loss. AI is augmenting human capabilities, making certain tasks more efficient and freeing up time for more strategic and creative work. 

While AI may replace some routine tasks, it will also create new job opportunities in areas like AI training, data analysis, creative direction and ethical considerations.

 To thrive in this evolving landscape, focus on developing skills that complement AI, such as:

  • creativity

  • emotional intelligence

  • strategic thinking

  • data analysis, and 

  • adaptability. 

By embracing AI as a tool, you can unlock new possibilities and enhance your work. AI is not a replacement but a collaborator that can help you achieve more effective and innovative marketing strategies.


You speak about the African AI Renaissance. What does this mean for South African brands and businesses? 

My talk about the African AI Renaissance at the SingularityU South Africa Summit will mean the following for South African brands and businesses :

Emphasis on local AI solutions: African nations cannot afford to import AI solutions; instead, they need to rework and refine AI solutions to meet uniquely African challenges.

AI for growth: Show that AI presents a once-in-a-generation opportunity for every industry, sector and person.

Enhanced customer experience: AI can help South African businesses improve customer experience by using AI solutions that are unique to their needs.

Increased efficiency: AI can help South African businesses increase efficiency by automating tasks and using AI solutions that are unique to their needs.

AI ethics: AI ethics and the importance of ensuring that AI systems are designed and deployed in ways that are transparent, explainable and fair in the correct African context.


How can creatives and marketers use AI to their advantage?

Creatives and marketers can leverage AI to enhance their work and gain a competitive edge. AI can assist in content generation, data analysis and personalisation, allowing for more effective marketing strategies and creative decisions. 

AI can automate repetitive tasks, freeing up time for high-level creative work and providing predictive analytics to forecast future trends.

AI can also aid in visual content creation, influencer identification and campaign optimisation. Furthermore, AI can collaborate with humans in real-time, suggesting new ideas and exploring fresh perspectives. 

By embracing AI, creatives and marketers can streamline processes, boost productivity and unlock new opportunities for innovation and growth. This enables them to focus on high-level creative work, drive business results and stay ahead of the curve in an ever-evolving market.


How can smaller businesses leverage AI without a large budget?

Smaller businesses can leverage AI without a large budget by starting small, utilising cloud-based services, and exploring open-source AI tools and libraries. Low-code AI platforms, AI-powered software solutions and outsourcing specific AI tasks or projects to freelancers or agencies can also help. 

Additionally, partnering with AI startups or leveraging AI marketplaces can provide affordable access to AI capabilities.

By focusing on high-impact areas and taking advantage of free or affordable AI courses like: 

  • Africarare's AI and Blockchain Masterclass

  • Google's Machine Learning Crash Course, or 

  • Microsoft's AI School.

Smaller businesses can harness the power of AI without breaking the bank. 

Other examples include:

  • IBM's Data Science Experience

  • Stanford University's Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning Specialization, and 

  • Coursera's AI for Business Specialization. 

By adopting these strategies, smaller businesses can level the playing field and achieve significant benefits from AI adoption.


How do you see AI evolving in the next five years in Africa, particularly in the marketing and branding sectors?

In the next five years, AI adoption in Africa's marketing and branding sectors will increase, leading to more efficient and personalised campaigns. AI-powered tools will become more prevalent, enabling businesses to:

  • automate tasks

  • analyse data, and 

  • gain valuable insights. 

Local language support will also improve, with start-ups like Lelapa AI and Botlhale AI working on natural language processing for African languages. For instance, Botlhale AI's chatbots can understand and respond in languages like isiZulu and Setswana.

AI-generated content, predictive analytics and chatbots will become more common, enhancing customer experiences and driving sales. Influencer marketing will also be optimised with AI, identifying the most effective partnerships. 

Personalisation will become more sophisticated, tailoring experiences to individual consumers. Social media monitoring will help businesses track brand reputation and consumer sentiment.

As AI adoption grows, there will be a greater need for AI-related skills training and development in Africa's marketing and branding sectors. Start-ups like Lelapa AI, which offers AI-powered language translation capabilities, will play a crucial role in driving innovation.


How can AI help in understanding and predicting consumer behaviour?

AI can help understand and predict consumer behaviour by analysing large amounts of data, including social media, transactions and browsing history, to identify patterns and trends. 

AI algorithms can build predictive models to forecast consumer behaviour, such as the likelihood to purchase or churn and segment customers based on behaviour, preferences and demographics to target marketing efforts. 

Additionally, AI-powered sentiment analysis can gauge consumer sentiment and emotions, helping brands understand their audience.

AI-driven personalisation can tailor experiences to individual consumers, increasing engagement and loyalty. AI can also help map the customer journey, identifying pain points and opportunities for improvement and providing real-time insights into consumer behaviour, enabling brands to respond quickly to changing preferences. 

By continuously learning from data, AI refines predictions and improves marketing strategies, enabling businesses to gain a deeper understanding of consumer behaviour and make data-driven decisions to drive growth and customer satisfaction.


What are the limitations of AI in marketing, and how can human creativity overcome these limitations?

Limitations of AI in Marketing

AI in marketing has limitations, including the lack of human intuition, contextual understanding, emotional connection, originality and innovation. For instance, AI might recommend a product based on a customer's purchase history, but human intuition can identify additional factors like seasonality or trends. 

Additionally, AI struggles to understand context, nuances and subtleties, leading to potential misinterpretation. For example, AI might analyse customer sentiment as neutral when, in fact, it's sarcastic.

AI also lacks emotional intelligence, making it challenging to create empathetic and resonant marketing campaigns. For example, a human marketer would understand the emotional appeal of a campaign like Coca-Cola's 'Share a Coke,' which AI might struggle to replicate. 

AI can generate ideas, but human creativity is essential for truly innovative and groundbreaking concepts, like De Beers' 'A Diamond is Forever' campaign. 

Overcoming Limitations With Human Creativity

Human creativity can overcome AI's limitations by providing:

  • strategic direction 

  • interpreting AI insights

  • developing empathetic campaigns

  • driving innovation, and 

  • ensuring data quality. 

For instance, humans can use AI-generated data to identify trends and then develop targeted marketing campaigns that resonate with customers. By analysing AI-generated customer sentiment analysis, humans can identify areas for improvement and develop more effective customer service strategies.

Humans conceive novel ideas, leveraging AI as a tool to refine and optimise creative concepts.

For example, a human marketer might use AI to analyse customer data and then develop a targeted social media campaign that speaks to their interests and needs. 

By validating data accuracy and mitigating bias, humans guarantee AI systems are trained on reliable information, ensuring more effective marketing strategies


What are your thoughts on marketing and AI? Let us know in the comments section below. 

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For more marketing and AI insights, take a look at these Three ways that AI has become a marketing game-changer.

*Image courtesy of Canva