SME South Africa, for example, has a unique audience of SMEs that consists of start-up businesses and township entrepreneurs. These individuals are driven and eager to find solutions and knowledge that help their businesses succeed. 

Our audience consists of business owners who cannot afford expensive resources. They are looking for free practical advice and industry knowledge. We call them hungry because they are in the discovery phase: These SMEs are doing research and looking for solutions to their every-day business challenges.

Marketers and media agencies alike can benefit from exposure to this audience. Their hunger for knowledge means that they are open to exploring the solutions that brands offer them about finance, compliance, banking, technology and accounting, to name a few.

Marketing and media agencies find value in the dedicated SME audience through the use of:

  • banner ad campaigns
  • sponsored social media posts
  • dedicated newsletters
  • newsletter mentions
  • sponsored brand articles
  • ebooks
  • whitepapers
  • guides
  • product reviews
  • sponsored webinars, and
  • partner hubs. 

For more information, visit or contact

*Image courtesy of contributor