South Africa is possibly one of the most unique places in the world — from our language to our people — there is nothing ordinary about us.  

So, when an international marketing and advertising agency opens its doors in South Africa, it's intriguing to see how they are going to adapt.  

media update's Saads Abrahams spoke to Raymond Langa, Group CEO of Leagas Delany South Africa, on marketing and advertising in South Africa. 


How has the advertising landscape in South Africa evolved in recent years, and what trends do you see dominating in the future?

It has shifted significantly, moving from traditional media to more integrated, digital-first campaigns that reflect South Africa's growing online presence. What excites me most is how brands are increasingly embracing localised storytelling, tapping into the country's diverse culture to connect with consumers on a deeper level.  

This shift has allowed brands to become more agile and relevant, resonating with the unique needs of the South African market. Looking ahead, optimism and excitement will become key competitive advantages.  

In a market where challenges persist, consumers are drawn to brands that offer a sense of hope and positivity.  

Brands that can inspire with authentic, uplifting messages will stand out, creating emotional connections that go beyond products. At Leagas Delaney, we've seen firsthand how optimism can spark engagement and drive results. 

In terms of trends, I see personalisation through data, immersive experiences like AR and VR and purpose-driven campaigns continuing to shape the future. Consumers expect more transparency and social responsibility — and brands that lead with a vision of optimism and excitement will be well-positioned to succeed in this dynamic landscape. 


What do you think is the most critical factor for building long-term client relationships in the South African market?

Trust is undeniably the most critical factor. Long-term relationships are built on transparency, consistent delivery and a deep understanding of a client's business.  

We should never assume that we will ever know our clients' businesses better than they do, but what we can do is immerse ourselves in their world to understand the challenges they face and how we can use creativity to solve them. 

South Africa's market is unique in its diversity, and agencies must appreciate the local nuances to provide solutions that resonate. It's about showing that you're not just invested in the campaign but in the client's long-term business success. 

Agility is another key factor. We operate in an environment where economic fluctuations and market changes are common. Agencies need to be flexible and responsive to these shifts, offering strategic counsel that adapts as the landscape evolves.  

In South Africa, this means being highly attuned to both the broader market trends and the subtleties of different cultural contexts. By staying nimble and proactive, agencies can ensure they remain valuable partners, helping clients navigate complexity while still delivering impactful creative solutions.

What role does storytelling play in modern marketing campaigns, especially in the South African context?

Storytelling is at the heart of successful marketing and advertising. In South Africa — where we have a rich tapestry of cultures, languages and histories — the power of storytelling is even more pronounced.  

Campaigns that resonate most deeply are those that tell authentic, relatable stories, whether it's addressing socio-political issues or celebrating local heroes. Impactful storytelling provides brands with the opportunity to build emotional connections; in a market as diverse as ours, that connection is essential for long-term success. 

We focus on creating narratives that reflect the shared experiences of our diverse audience while staying true to the brand's essence. It’s about telling stories that make consumers feel seen, understood and connected to the brand on a personal level.  

When done right, storytelling goes beyond marketing — it creates a sense of belonging and forges lasting relationships between the brand and its audience. 

In the end, great storytelling is what makes a campaign memorable. It's the narrative that lingers long after the ad has ended, turning consumers into advocates who believe in the brand's story and purpose. 


How important is cultural relevance in South African advertising, and how do you balance this with global trends?

Cultural relevance is not just important; it's essential in South African advertising. Our country is home to an incredibly diverse population, with 11 official languages and a multitude of cultural backgrounds, traditions and identities. 

For any advertising campaign to truly connect with South African consumers, it must reflect this diversity in a way that feels authentic and relatable. This means going beyond surface-level representation and delving into the nuances of language, humour, symbolism and even local customs that resonate with specific communities. 

Brands that manage to tap into these cultural touch points can build stronger emotional connections with their audiences, fostering brand loyalty that extends beyond just the products they sell.

However, this focus on local culture must also be balanced with global trends, especially for brands with an international presence. The challenge here is to maintain the integrity of the global brand while making it relevant to the South African market. 

For example, global campaigns often carry overarching messages such as sustainability, innovation, or inclusivity, which are universally important. The key to balancing cultural relevance with these global trends lies in localising the delivery of these messages without diluting their essence.

It's also about understanding the pace of change within cultural contexts. South Africa is a country that's continuously evolving, with younger generations influencing the media landscape in exciting ways. Trends in social media, fashion and technology can quickly shift, and brands need to be agile in adapting their messaging to stay relevant. Yet, these modern trends must still feel connected to the deep cultural roots that exist here.

At Leagas Delaney South Africa, we focus on crafting campaigns that embrace the best of both worlds, drawing from global insights but adapting them to the unique cultural fabric of our local communities. 

For instance, a global campaign centred around technology might need to reflect the reality that while urban areas are rapidly adopting cutting-edge tech, rural areas may still rely on more traditional modes of communication. Striking this balance ensures that campaigns are inclusive and resonate across the socio-economic spectrum, offering each audience a way to relate to the brand.

It's also worth noting that cultural relevance can extend beyond just creative elements. It plays a role in media placement, too. Understanding where and how different cultural groups consume media is crucial. 

In South Africa, community radio stations, local TV channels and township-based activations are still highly effective in reaching specific audiences. This kind of cultural sensitivity in media planning is just as important as the creative execution itself.

Cultural relevance in South African advertising is about being authentic, inclusive and agile. It requires a deep understanding of the local landscape while staying informed of global shifts. 

When done correctly, this balance allows brands to maintain their global identity while resonating deeply with the people who engage with them on a day-to-day basis. Ultimately, this is what makes South African advertising so dynamic and rich: our ability to craft stories that honour both the local and the global


What are some of the challenges you've noticed in the South African market when it comes to delivering impactful campaigns?

One of the main challenges is the budgetary constraints faced by many brands, particularly in a sluggish economy. This often limits the scale and reach of campaigns, requiring agencies to be more innovative with fewer resources.  

Additionally, there is the challenge of addressing the wide socio-economic disparities in the country; what resonates with one segment of the population may not appeal to another. 

Another challenge is the ongoing digital divide. While urban areas are increasingly connected, many rural communities still lack access to the same level of digital infrastructure, which can limit the effectiveness of purely digital campaigns. 

The creative landscape itself is evolving rapidly, and staying ahead of these changes is a challenge in itself. South African consumers are more vocal and engaged than ever before, especially with the rise of social media. This has created both an opportunity and a challenge for brands.  

On one hand, it's easier to get instant feedback and engage directly with consumers, but on the other, it's also easier to misstep. Brands need to be incredibly aware of the socio-political environment and be sensitive to the issues that matter to consumers. Navigating this in a country as complex as South Africa means that brands must be bold, yet careful, in how they communicate their messages. 


How do you approach innovation within your campaigns?

Innovation is deeply ingrained in how we deliver creative solutions for our clients, and technology plays an integral role in that process. We use a wide range of technological tools to streamline workflows, enhance creativity and ensure that our campaigns are data-driven and highly effective.  

From data analytics platforms that provide us with real-time insights into consumer behaviour to advanced digital tools that help us personalise content and engage with audiences in more dynamic ways, technology empowers us to push the boundaries of what's possible. 

Artificial intelligence is just one part of this broader technological landscape. While AI allows us to automate certain tasks — such as data analysis and predictive modelling — it's the combination of AI with other technologies, such as machine learning, augmented reality and digital media, that truly elevate our creative output.  

By integrating these tools into our creative process, we're able to offer clients innovative solutions that are not only highly creative but also precise and measurable. 

However, we recognise that the increasing use of AI in the creative industry has sparked discussions about its long-term impact on traditional roles. While some fear that AI might replace aspects of the creative process, we believe that technology — when used correctly — complements rather than competes with human creativity.  

For us, it's not about replacing the human touch but rather enhancing it. AI helps us gather insights faster, identify trends earlier and optimise content for different audiences, but it's still the creative minds behind the technology that drive truly remarkable ideas. 

We are committed to using technology in a way that enhances the work we do, but always with the understanding that creativity is a human-led endeavour. Technology enables us to be more efficient, strategic and precise, but the heart of any successful campaign remains the emotional connection we create between brands and their audiences.  

That's where our true strength lies, combining cutting-edge tools with the deep cultural understanding and storytelling that only human creativity can provide. 


What are some of the tools you use to stay ahead of the curve?

Staying ahead of the curve means leveraging the best tools and technologies to drive our creative and strategic processes. 

One of the key innovations within our agency group is a bespoke marketing technology platform that streamlines collaboration and enhances creative workflow. This tool enables our teams to ideate, manage and execute campaigns efficiently across multiple markets, ensuring consistency and quality across all touchpoints. 

In addition to this, we rely on a range of industry-leading tools that provide valuable insights into consumer behaviour, campaign performance and real-time optimisation. For example, data analytics platforms help us delve deep into audience trends, while social listening tools keep us connected to ongoing conversations and sentiment in the marketplace.  

These tools allow us to craft campaigns that are both innovative and relevant, aligning with consumer needs and expectations. By integrating this bespoke technology with other advanced tools, we remain agile and continuously innovate, providing clients with creative solutions that are both data-informed and emotionally resonant.  

It’s this combination of proprietary technology and best-in-class industry tools that allows us to deliver impactful and forward-thinking campaigns. 


What role does passion play in the work you do, and how do you instill that same level of passion in your team?

Passion is at the core of everything we do at Leagas Delaney South Africa. It fuels our creativity, drives us to push boundaries and keeps us invested in delivering work that truly stands out. Passion isn't just about enjoying the creative process; it's about being relentless in our pursuit of excellence. 

Whether we're crafting a high-impact campaign or perfecting the smallest details, our passion ensures that we always deliver beyond expectations, creating meaningful connections between brands and their audiences.

To instill this passion in our team, we nurture a culture that celebrates curiosity, collaboration and ownership. We encourage bold thinking, allowing every team member to take pride in their contributions and feel empowered to explore new ideas. When people are given the freedom to be creative and push their limits, it ignites a sense of purpose that permeates their work.

Passion also comes from knowing that what we create can have a lasting impact. We remind our team that their work has the potential to inspire, influence and shape perceptions. By instilling a sense of purpose, we ensure that every team member feels personally connected to the outcomes of their work, driving them to put their best effort into everything they do. 


How do you ensure that you're giving 100% to every client, and what advice would you give to young marketers on client dedication?

Client dedication is about genuinely caring for their success. We approach every client with the belief that "Everything Matters". This mindset drives us to treat each project with the highest level of care and attention, ensuring that no detail is overlooked. 

From understanding a client's long-term goals to refining the smallest creative elements, we commit ourselves fully to delivering work that not only meets but exceeds expectations. Giving 100% is not just about delivering on deadlines or KPIs, it's about consistently striving for excellence and being deeply invested in the client’s success.

This philosophy extends to the way we build relationships. By truly listening to our clients, understanding their challenges and aligning ourselves with their objectives, we position ourselves as long-term partners in their growth. We treat their business as if it were our own, which creates a level of trust and collaboration that's essential for success.

For young marketers, my advice is to adopt this "Everything Matters" belief from the start. Dedication to your clients goes beyond the transactional, it's about showing genuine care for their success and committing to delivering your best at every stage. 

Take the time to understand their needs, anticipate challenges and always look for ways to add value. Building strong client relationships requires consistency, transparency and a relentless focus on delivering exceptional work. 

If you approach every project with the belief that everything you do matters, you'll not only stand out, but you'll also build trust and credibility that will serve you throughout your career. 


What advice would you give to someone just starting their career in marketing and advertising?

Starting a career in marketing and advertising is an exciting, but often overwhelming, journey. My advice? First, embrace the role of a learner, be curious. This industry never stands still. It's constantly evolving with new technologies, emerging trends and shifting consumer behaviours. 

The more you immerse yourself, the sharper your instincts will become. Surround yourself with people who inspire you, and never hesitate to ask questions. Learning is ongoing, and in this fast-paced world, staying open and adaptive is essential to growth.

Resilience is just as important as curiosity. 

Not every idea will succeed, and the pressure of tight deadlines and changing client expectations is real. But resilience is what will carry you through those challenging moments. It's about turning setbacks into learning experiences and using them to refine your approach. The best creatives aren't those who never fail, they're the ones who learn to thrive on failure, using it to fuel their next big idea.

Equally important is authenticity. The best work comes from a place of genuine passion. In marketing, it's your ability to connect with people through storytelling that sets you apart. Don't be afraid to infuse your own perspective into the work you create. When you believe in the ideas you’re bringing to life, that passion becomes infectious. 

Consumers today crave authenticity, and the more your work reflects that, the more impactful it will be. Let your instincts guide you, and don't shy away from taking risks. Some of the most ground-breaking campaigns have come from daring to think differently.

Relationships are everything in this industry. The connections you build — whether with clients, colleagues, or mentors — are the foundation of your career. But networking isn't just about shaking hands and exchanging contact details. It's about building meaningful, long-lasting relationships where trust, collaboration and support go both ways.

A strong network will challenge you, support you and open doors that you might not have known existed. So take the time to invest in the people you work with, and don't be afraid to reach out for guidance along the way.

In the end, success in this field is a balance of creativity and strategy, passion and resilience. Keep learning, stay curious and, above all, trust in the power of your own voice and ideas. The future of advertising is bright for those who are willing to take that first step, stay the course, and never lose sight of the magic that great work can create.


What do you think the future of advertising looks like in South Africa, especially for young professionals entering the industry?

The future of advertising in South Africa is incredibly exciting. As digital transformation continues, there will be even more opportunities for young professionals to create work that is innovative, meaningful and impactful.  

However, with these opportunities comes the responsibility of remaining true to our local context. Young professionals entering the industry will need to strike a balance between embracing global trends and staying rooted in the rich cultural heritage that makes South Africa unique. 

I also foresee a greater emphasis on purpose-driven work. Consumers are becoming more socially conscious, and brands that align with these values will resonate more deeply. For young professionals, this presents an opportunity to create campaigns that not only drive sales but also make a difference in society


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*Image courtesy of Canva and Angelfish PR