Golden Drum Festival says it is proud to strengthen its connection with the independent agency community through a new partnership with thenetworkone. This collaboration ensures that Grand Prix and Gold-winning works from independent agencies will automatically qualify for the Indie Awards.

Golden Drum adds that its ongoing partnership with Little Black Book means all Grand Prix-winning works from Golden Drum will be entered directly, free of charge into the competition of The Immortal Awards.

Golden Drum says it is also featured in the AdForum Business Creative Report, ranking the world's most-awarded campaigns by industry sector.

What's New in the Competition?

  • AI Disclaimer: Entrants are required to specify if and how AI technology was used in their submitted works.
  • Cultural Context Question: Previously unique to the Genius Loci / Local Spirit group, this question is now expanded to all groups and categories.

This year, the competition spans across six sections: 

  • One-Channel Drum
  • Omni-Channel Drum
  • Craft Drum
  • Creative Media Excellence Drum
  • Creative Business Excellence Drum, and
  • All Juries Section

Key Competition Information

  • Deadline for Entry Submission: Friday, 22 August at 23:59 CET
  • Deadline for Super Early Bird Entry Fee: Friday, 25 April
  • Deadline for Early Bird Entry Fee: Friday, 27 June
  • Golden Drum Shortlists Announced: Tuesday, 30 September at 08:00 CET
  • Golden Drum Awards Show: Tuesday, 14 October

For more information, visit You can also follow Golden Drum on FacebookLinkedInX, or on Instagram

*Image courtesy of contributor