A new perspective on decaffeinated coffee from Jacobs
Marketing 5481
Many people have questions about decaffeinated coffee. Is it healthy? Does it go through a chemical process? Is it bad to drink decaffeinated coffee when pregnant? The Jacobs Day and Night team explains how their decaf coffee is produced - and the results are surprising. Senior Brand Manager of Jacobs, Stuart Knott, explains.
Many of us enjoy a cup of coffee - but what do coffee lovers do when the Verwonharoma is desperately required but not the actual caffeine?
“The Jacobs Night and Day decaffeinated coffee blend has been developed for consumers with this need,” says Senior Brand Manager of Jacobs, Stuart Knott. “It's perfect whether you are pregnant, on a strict eating plan or enjoy a cup of coffee at night but would like to avoid the caffeine.”
So why does decaffeinated coffee often suffer from negative perceptions? “Many people believe that all decaffeinated coffee is produced using chemical methods. In fact there are four different methods used,” says Knott. Two of these methods are chemical, which - as expected - impact negatively on the coffee flavour. Another method is where green coffee is immersed in water with the caffeine content dissolved and removed. But the experts at Jacobs use an even safer and non-invasive method to produce their decaffeinated coffee.
The Jacobs coffee team utilise a gas we use every day – Carbon Dioxide (CO2) – when producing Night and Day. They inject natural CO2 into a tank of water soaked coffee beans. Because of the high pressure in this tank, the CO2, water and caffeine in the coffee beans combine. This combination is removed from the tank, leaving only decaffeinated coffee beans. The beans are then dried and processed into Jacobs Night and Day in exactly the same way as regular caffeinated coffee – ensuring that all the flavour and 'Verwoharmona' is locked in.
Jacobs has always focused on giving coffee lovers the taste and flavour they have come to love, and the Jacobs Night and Day variant is no different. From the natural process used to produce the coffee to the blend between Arabica and Robusta beans, you can be assured of a rich velvety flavour and smooth inviting aroma.
“No matter what your reason is to avoid caffeine, Jacobs Night and Day will hit exactly the same spot as a regular coffee, and you don’t have to worry about the health impact,” concludes Knott.
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