In this regard, ADreach has generously agreed to cover the rental and print costs for 100 posters, each of which features a straightforward yet powerful message, aimed at increasing awareness and understanding with regards to mental illness.

SADAG is one of Africa’s largest mental health support and advocacy groups, offering comprehensive mental health information and resources offering assistance individuals, family members and loved ones.

“As a socially responsible company, ADreach’s primary objective with this campaign is to create a real awareness with regards to the existence of mental illness in South Africa and to play a significant role in encouraging people to seek help and support ,” says Brad Fisher, CEO of ADreach.

For more than18years SADAG has been at the forefront of providing counselling services, mental health awareness programmes, powerful media campaigns, school talks and rural outreach initiatives to thousands of patients, families and communities across South Africa.

SADAG boasts over 180 Support Groups nationwide, and has an extensive referral guide, reaching into the most remote regions of the country. The Mental Health Counselling Centre and toll free Suicide Crisis Line are operated by highly trained counsellors and run every day between 8:00 and 20:00.

According to Roshni Parhboo-Seetha, SADAG project manager, “SADAG feels it particularly important that mentally ill individuals, and those close to them, understand that mental illness is nothing to be ashamed of. They need to be made aware of the fact that they are not alone and that help is available. This campaign has given us the opportunity to publicise our helpline number, thereby encouraging people to call when needed. For those afflicted and affected by mental illness, life can be rather lonely, and SADAG offers them the support that they so desperately require.”

In conclusion, Roshni says, “Judging by the response we have received so far, I believe these announcements really are helping many people. We are very grateful to ADreach for the sponsorship, as we just know that this campaign will assist us in the dissemination of our message and helpline”.