“The SAPS K9 Unit provides a high quality service to the SAPS and the community to combat, investigate and prevent crime,” says Col. JP Visser, Provincial Commander: K9 & Mounted Services.
® is an effective manner in which to promote the K9 Units and the functions of each discipline. It can also be used by members on crime scenes, to ensure that they call the correct discipline to a serious scene. It is therefore cost effective and will save time,” says Visser. “They are also used to educate SAPS members and the community about the available resources in the K9 Unit, which can lead to efficient and cost effective service delivery,” he adds.
®'s will be mainly used by the K9 handlers and SAPS members, and some will be distributed to the public. It also contains the contact details of the 11 SAPS K9 Units for ease of reference.
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