Morvite provides a few back-to-school tips
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With the endless days of relaxation during the Festive Season, the transition back-to-school is not always easy. However, despite the challenge of getting back to reality, there are ways to make the experience a fun one for the whole family.
Morvite shows one how:
Although goals can be set at any time, early January is ideal to decide on the desired outcomes for the next twelve months, as the New Year provides a clear fresh start. Write down one's top five goals and one's plans to achieve them. Goals can include sporting, academic achievements and even social and family goals such as meeting up with friends or enjoying family time once a week.
Routine sets ups good habits, which make it easier to develop the discipline of a good work ethic. Routine also plays a key role in time management. Start with small areas, such as preparing the school lunch night before. Lay out the clothes and even set up the breakfast table before going to bed. This helps to be organised and to minimise the stress for the next morning.
This should be done every day. Completed homework contributes to being organised and it ensures that the student is up to date with the work. It is a good idea to set aside a special area for doing homework. Older children may prefer working in their room, while younger children can still be supervised in a designated homework area.
Meal times
Use the weekend to prepare a few dinners which can be frozen. This will help minimise stress and free up time, especially in the first week.
Make meal time an opportunity to enjoy quality family time. This can be done at the beginning of the day at breakfast and in the evening at dinner. Dinner is a time to discuss what happened during the day, while breakfast is an ideal time to discuss the plans for the day, setting the tone for the day ahead. In this way, every member of the family, particularly the children, feels supported in their daily endeavours.
Additionally, breakfast is regarded as the most important meal of the day. Studies show that eating breakfast boosts metabolism which impacts on weight control. Children who eat breakfast show better memory retention and alertness. Eating breakfast also contributes to heart health.
Morvite has a range of flavours, providing a tasty option to help children get out of bed quickly, ensuring that all the members of the family fill their bodies with a nutritious breakfast which helps them through their long and busy day.
About Morvite:
Morvite is a nutritious, filling, affordable and convenient ready to eat cereal and requires no cooking. It is made from pure sorghum and it’s fortified with 11 vitamins and five minerals that growing bodies and minds require. It is formulated to meet the dietary requirements of school children and it can be prepared as a breakfast cereal or an energy drink with milk or water. Morvite is available in two ranges – Morvite Original and Morvite Choice. The Morvite Original range contains the sour taste that the brand is known and loved for by millions of South Africans. The Morvite Original range is available in the following flavours: Original, Strawberry, Vanilla, Banana, Honey and Pineapple. Morvite Choice adds a bit of twist to the existing range.
It is formulated without that Morvite unique “sour” taste to cater for those members of one's family that prefer a different taste but still want the goodness of the original Morvite Range. Morvite Choice is available in three tasty flavours – Original, Strawberry and Banana. In addition, Morvite has recently launched Morvite Orange which is high in vitamin C which will help keep the family healthy.
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