Being a proudly South African original brand, Ocean Basket founders and leaders are viewing this issue in a very serious light. They intend to not only make their findings known among the South African public but will also be issuing a statement set to infiltrate the American market. The statement will expose the restaurant based in Visalia, California, as an illegal entity and imposter.
"This restaurant is an unlawful copycat and has plagiarised the Ocean Basket look and the Ocean Basket brand. Ocean Basket is a registered trademark throughout the world and this restaurant is trying to piggyback on Ocean Basket's global success," says Grace Harding, company leader.
"Our marketing team plan on alienating this restaurant from their market support. Should we be pressed to take this issue even further, Ocean Basket will adopt the legal route and approach a court in the United States to establish and prove that Ocean Basket has worldwide presence, which prohibits other companies from using our name."
Harding explains that this is not the first incident where a food chain has 'stolen' Ocean Basket's trade name before. "In the past we have uncovered restaurants in Thailand, Cyprus, Greece and Australia trading under the Ocean Basket name. In some of those territories Ocean Basket did have existing trademarks and it was therefore easier for Ocean Basket to enforce our rights."
It is important to note that the same group behind this particular restaurant in California have also opened other restaurants in other parts of America using other well known South African brand names.
"Ocean Basket assures their loyal customers that we will do everything in our power to safeguard our brand and protect our consistently high standards, philosophy of abundance and unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction," adds Harding. "We are not only one of South Africa's largest seafood restaurant chains but are fast becoming a popular food phenomenon across the globe, with over 180 Ocean Basket restaurants in 12 territories around the world."