The creative and the messaging can be seen on slimline shelters in and around Orange Farm and is attracting the attention of commuters, pedestrians and motorists.
“The brief was to target consumers in Orange Farm and spread the Eyethu Mall tagline - Whatever you need, we’re here for you. As such, we strategically selected commuter shelters in high vehicle and foot traffic areas to generate high exposure for the brand,” explains Candice Meyer, Provantage Out of Home Media.
Commuter Shelters provide excellent exposure for brands that want to be part of the daily life of their targeted consumer. Furthermore, the medium is a cost-effective platform that works within a community 24 hours a day. It commands genuine interest from consumers and offers advertisers targeted exposure and excellent ROI.
For more information on commuter shelter branding, visit, email Candice Meyer at or phone +27 86 177-6826. Alternatively, connect with them on