Tsotetsi was a prefect at school and strong leader among his peers. He loves the sound of his own voice and debating. He is an excellent public speaker, likes to clown around and lift everyone’s spirits. He attended Boston College where he obtained his diploma in media studies.

TOMz is a youth science and technology television series screened on SABC1 Mondays and Tuesdays at 16:00. I love the show, I meet lots of exciting people and learn so much about our country. My favourite episode is where I interact with cheetahs; they are so amazing. This is an experience I will never forget. TOMz communicates with the youth of South Africa that science and technology must never be stereotyped. The show is also a great source of information for those who don’t have access to libraries and the internet,” says Tsotetsi.

Vuzu presenter Siyabonga Ngwekazi is Tsotetsi’s motivation; he admires the way Siyabonga dresses and makes him want to style his own fashion sense after him. Will Smith is his favourite actor; he thinks they have a lot in common referring to their ears and their sense of humour.

Tsotetsi loves music and in his leisure time he writes music with the hope that one day we will hear something of his on the radio. He enjoys listening to 5fm because the station is young and fun. He always makes time to listen to Thando Thabate and loves Chris Brown’s Kiss Kiss. For a good laugh session he enjoys Kevin Hart.

What makes Tsotetsi angry? “Lies, they make me feel cheated and that I am not good enough to know the truth. If you want to lose me as a friend then lie to me.” What is Caddy scared of? “Losing my senses, I can’t imagine not tasting my favourite meal again or hearing my favourite song, this thought really frightens me.”

See more of Caddy Tsotetsi on TOMz, every Monday and Tuesday at 16:00 on SABC1. TOMz is proudly brought to SABC1 screens by SABC Education with support from the Department on Science and Technology. TOMz is produced by I Love That Productions.

For more information, visit www.sabc1.co.za. Alternatively, connect with TOMz on Twitter or Facebook