Hosted by comedian Kagiso Lediga, the showcase is the first event of the year from the annual South African Savanna Comics’ Choice Awards and is aimed at giving up-and-coming comedians a platform to show their skills so that the comedy industry knows who to vote for in their category.
The five nominees will be announced, along with all other categories, at the Nominee Press Lunch on Wednesday, 12 July in Johannesburg. Catch highlights from the show as each comedian delivers their own unique style of comedy. A special guest performance will be given by the 2016 Savanna Newcomer Award recipient, Ebenhaezer Dibakwane.
Performers include; Andrew Hughes, Bongani Dube, Chantal Venter, Daryl Williams, David M., Esethu Somdaka, Etienne Davids, Isura Jinasena, Gilli Apter, Kamz Govender, Matthew Armstrong, Mfundo Ndovela, Nqobile Nontshinga, Pius Xulu, Shanray van Wyk, Ntshebe, Teboho Theoha, Tibs Dumi, Ben Thapz, Troy Tesla, TT Comedian, Tsitsi Chiumya, and Vivi Khondowe.
The Savanna Newcomer Showcase is presented by Savanna Premium Cider as part of the brand’s ongoing commitment to developing comedy talent in South Africa and across the continent.
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