In Cartoon Network Live, Kelvin Gizmo, scientist extraordinaire, takes viewers into the world of Cartoon Network, which is under threat of Zarr, the evil robot. Viewers will travel through the Land of Ooo, the city of Townsville, and Elmore and meet their famous inhabitants.
The production aims to bring together an international, award-winning creative team to ensure a quality family entertainment stage show for audiences of all ages.
The show is directed by award-winning director and choreographer Bart Doerfler, known for his work on The Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Studios Hollywood, The Walt Disney Company, The Ringling Brothers Barnum & Bailey Circus, Holiday On Ice, and Dreamworks.
The creative team also consists of Stephen Emmer (musical director), Cynthia Nordstrom (costume designer), David Smeets (lighting designer), Michael Al-far (video designer), and Marinus de Graaf (set designer).
Justin Van Wyk, CEO at Big Concerts, adds, "We are very excited to work together with Cartoon Network and the Live Nation team. Cartoon Network Live will feature, for the very first time, all the familiar and beloved Cartoon Network characters, together in one live stage show. Live Nation always strives to bring fans closer to their idols and, with this Cartoon Network Live, we will be doing just that."
Maria Rosaria Milone, senior director of category management and agent markets, Cartoon Network Enterprises EMEA, says, "Considering Cartoon Network’s leading position in South Africa, we are extremely excited about this partnership."
Milone adds, "Creating interactive and immersive brand experiences provides not only kids but their entire family with new and exciting ways to engage with our shows and characters. Throughout the development of this production, Live Nation has matched our passion and ambition to bring Cartoon Network’s iconic brands to life, and we can't wait to see the African fan reaction to this fantastic new live show when it comes to their city."
The interactive live show is coming to South Africa in June/July 2018.
Cape Town:
- Date: Tuesday, 26 June until Sunday, 1 July;
- Venue: Grand Arena, GrandWest
- Ticket price: R245 to R365 – up to 50% off all off-peak shows
- Date: Tuesday, 3 July to Sunday, 15 July
- Venue: Montecasino
- Ticket price: R175 to R390 – up to 50% off all off-peak shows
For more information, visit