media update’s Talisa Jansen van Rensburg walks you through five tips for creating great video content, courtesy of our latest infographic.
Creating your brand's voice online is a great way to ensure that people will recognise and resonate with you.
It’s time to get back to the basics to ensure that the content you’re creating is something that people actually want to engage with.
Without further ado, here are some points to take into consideration when creating video content:
Have you tried to create video content before? Let us know in the comments section below.That was exciting, wasn’t it? To get more insightful stories delivered straight to your inbox,
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As you well know, video has been making headlines as one of the trends to keep an eye on this year. Be sure to read the
Five media trends to look out for in 2020 to allow yourself to be well-prepared for what else the industry will have in store.
*Image courtesy of