Cartoon Network has announced that Kenya will be the stage for its new Pop Up Party production. As of Saturday, 29 February the children's entertainment channel will air new Pop Up Party video clips that have been shot across some of Kenya's iconic locations. The videos will feature nine talented local dancers.

The channel featured Kenyan musical and dancing heavyweights Bruce 'Bruz' Newton and Jackson 'Jack Jack on the Beat' Maina for the feature. The videos were shot at the Ngong Hills, the helipad of the Kenyatta International Convention Centre and the streets in Nairobi in-between the matatu minibuses.

In the videos, the following dancers perform to original music soundtracks:
  • Bazokizo
  • Shaku Shaku
  • Vimbada, and
  • Gwara Gwara.
"After seeing the success Pop Up Party has enjoyed in South Africa, we are thrilled to launch this video-clip series shot in Kenya. Having its roots all over Africa, Cartoon Network wants to celebrate this vibrant continent and its different cultures through original content and programming," says Ariane Suveg, programming director and head of Kids Content for Africa.

Cartoon Network collaborated with Insignia Productions, a local production company that has been involved in the Kenyan film production business for 10 years. Directors Philippe Bresson and Alfred 'Alphy' Ngachi, who collectively have a footprint in Kenya's film and broadcast industry, will bring their work to the set of the new Pop Up Party.

"We gathered a team of super-talented creatives — choreographers, composers and directors — with the necessary experience and creative craziness that would make this amazing crew of nine talented kids from a community centre in Dandora, Nairobi, shine," concludes Suveg.

The Pop Up Party video bursts will launch on Saturday, 29 February on Cartoon Network, DStv, channel 301, as well as GOtv, channel 67 (Ghana 158 and Uganda 356).

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