Gugu Mthembu, chief marketing officer at Telkom, says radio is here to stay.
"As we commemorate 100 years of radio, we proudly celebrate its timeless influence resonating worldwide. Telkom, like radio, has been a connectivity enabler for over a century, bridging distances and bringing people together. Our commitment to connectivity is not just a part of our history but a cornerstone of our future," says Mthembu.
"The Telkom Radio Awards honour radio's profound impact on meaningful connections and excellence amplification. We invite all to embrace radio's enduring power in forging deep connections, contributing to a more connected world. We applaud the outstanding impact, innovation and influence brought by our radio contributors, who continue to turn up the dial of excellence in the radio space," Mthembu adds.
The Telkom Radio Awards continues to honour and recognise exceptional and innovative excellence in the South African radio industry, setting a benchmark for all radio stations and professionals to strive towards, says Telkom.
The complete list of entry categories for 2024 can be viewed on the Telkom Radio Awards website, where stations are advised to ensure their entry fits the required criteria.
To assist stations with their entries, an Insights Session will be held on Wednesday, 27 March where more will be shared about:
- how to enter
- handy tips, and
- what judges are looking for.
There is no entry fee, and stations may edit their entries right up until the Friday, 14 June entry deadline, says the awards.
The fan favourite
My Station competition, which gives radio audiences the opportunity to vote for their favourite station, will take place later in the year. More information will follow in due course, the awards add.
How to enter
Step one: register
Register your profile for the Telkom Radio Awards 2024 entry system.
All previous profile registrations have been cleared, so stations will need to create a new profile to gain access to the entry system. When registering your profile, stations will need to select the respective broadcasting license category (Internet, Campus, Community, PBS, Commercial).
Step two: login
Login to the Telkom Radio Awards 2024 entry system once you have registered and verified your profile and access has been approved by the system administration team.
Use your registered username and password to log in to the entry system. You will then be redirected to the Telkom Radio Awards dashboard. Use the toolbar on the left side to navigate your way around the entry system.
Step three: submit your entry
Select and complete the appropriate entry form for the category you wish to enter by clicking the 'New Entry' button on the side toolbar. Ensure that you complete all of the fields required for each entry you wish to make.
Judging panel
Judges for the
Telkom Radio Awards are selected each year based on their relevant experience and expertise and contribute countless hours towards reviewing the entries, according to the awards.
In a continuous effort to expand diversity and practice fairness in judging all station entries in their different languages, the organisers welcome suggestions for new judges.
The awards conclude that BDO South Africa has again been appointed as the auditors of the 2024
Telkom Radio Awards programme.
Inquiries about 2024 entries and suggestions for the judging panel can be directed to Zandi Nhlapo at
For more information, visit You can also follow
Telkom Radio Awards on
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*Image courtesy of contributor