Speaking during Youth Month, Shikwambana says that Visionary Writings is all about taking the age-old storytelling tradition and leveraging technology to create new digital-first traditions.

Conceptualised in 2016 when Shikwambana was 19, Visionary Writings was born out of a desire to empower young writers and creators, according to the founder.

"I saw the frustration of super-talented fellow students who lacked the resources and structures to pursue writing as a full-time career. The rise of the creator economy presented an opportunity to break down the historic barriers to publishing and enable these writers to monetise their passion," says Shikwambana.

The duo says that by building an intuitive, scalable content resource that harnesses the potential inherent in the creator economy, Shikwambana and Ngobeni have empowered a new generation of writers to build careers in storytelling.

At the same time, the writers are bringing fresh, relatable and relevant content to a growing audience of invested young readers, exposing them to others' lived experiences and helping them to better understand different cultural realities, they add.

Bronley Ngobeni, who was only 23 when the platform launched, says that technology is supporting a wide-spread cultural education that empowers readers to change their own narrative, shape a more resonant future and foster greater social cohesion, which are important attributes for the young people who are South Africa's future. 

In being successful young businesspeople, Ngobeni advises would-be entrepreneurs to find something that they are passionate about, and then "take the gap; just do it".

Shikwambana says that his go-to book is Richard Branson's Screw It Just DO It as he echoes this sentiment — adding that you need to be both consistent and patient.

"When you're starting a business, things won't always go according to your plan; but if you start with a goal, things will fall into place over time," says Shikwambana.

The duo concludes that tech-first innovations that address gaps in a market are destined to succeed.

For more information, visit www.visionarywritings.com. You can also follow Visionary Writings on Facebook or on X.

*Image courtesy of contributor