Media 794
CKI FM was first launched in 1981. The station was integrated into the SABC Community and Commercial Radio Portfolio in 1998, and began trading as CKI FM Stereo. Since January 2005, CKI moved to the SABC's Public Broadcast Service (PBS) portfolio.
CKI FM is a regional station with vibrant programming aimed at keeping pace with the times. It is a youth-orientated station playing kwaito, R&B and hip-hop, while carrying news, information and sport. CKI FM is the gateway to regional consumers in the Eastern Cape and broadcasts in English and isiXhosa.
It includes in its broadcasting footprint Buffalo City (former border area and part of the former Transkei), with patches in Port Elizabeth and Umtata. According to the latest RAMS available, CKI FM has an average of 694 000 listeners per day.
CKI FM's audience is made up of economically active black urban and township young listeners, aged 16 to 34 years, whose primary need is self-development. They are into health, fitness and improving their physical appearance, and will spend money to do so. These listeners are mainly in LSM 4-8.
One can tune into CKI FM on 89.9FM, 97.8FM, 100.3FM and 104.1FM.
About the author
This is only some dummy text because I dont really know what to write. This is only some dummy text because I dont really know what to write. This is only some dummy text because I dont really know what to write.