Earth Month is dedicated to raising awareness about environmental issues and encouraging people to take initiative when it comes to the protection of our planet.

The month-period falls in April, and April 22 is celebrated each year as Earth Day.

There are numerous activities that take place around the globe around this time, and these intend to promote sustainability and conservation.

Examples of activities that do this are:
  • clean ups
  • tree planting drives
  • educational events
  • advocacy campaigns, and
  • projects focusing on carbon emissions, protecting endangered species and the preservation of habitats.

The goal of the day (and month) is to drive awareness and education in ways that will mobilise the public to:
  • protect nature
  • conserve the earth, and
  • maintain access to natural resources in a sustainable light for future generations.

What does this mean for you?

You are part of this planet! So, get involved and support what the day stands for by:
  • recycling
  • planting a tree or a garden
  • participating in events, projects or initiatives
  • reducing your energy consumption (transport, energy, or resources)
  • thinking about how your actions impact earth in the long-term, and / or
  • reading up on the topic to become better informed as the month progresses.

What are your thoughts on Earth Day? Let us know in the comments!

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PR pros, want a bit more to chew on for the upcoming monthly theme? Then check out our article, PR pro – Go green or go home.
*Image courtesy of Canva