In the world of public relations, there are two main things that run the showdamage control and PR campaigns.

Neither of these are particularly simple and it takes a seasoned veteran to make a success out of every campaign or problem.

This is why PR professionals often use tactics such as PR Piggybacking to give them an edge and make life a little bit easier.

Don't worry! Alrika Möller from media update will tell you everything you need to know about piggybacking below.

What is it?

The basics of PR Piggybacking is joining in.

You join a trend or news story that is already taking place and making headlines and use the existing buzz for your brand or client.

How does it work?

A simple example of this is when a major sporting event takes place and your brand posts in support of a team.

The key to piggybacking is using the news cycle to your advantage and staying up to date on current trends. Not every Breaking News moment or social media trend will work for your brand, but once in a while something will be a good fit and you can jump on that bandwagon.

There have been a lot of great PR Piggybacking moments over the years. What was your favourite?

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Did we peak your interest? Are you looking for more PR tactics that can make you the pro in PR? Have a look at What a PR stunt is — in 200 words or less.
*Image courtesy of Canva