Every PR professional knows about launches.

If you do PR for just about any brand, you will have to get super comfortable with the idea of a launch

Launches can be super stressful, though. There is so much that can go wrong, and some PRs will have nightmares about products failing during a launch. 

And that is why dark launches became a thing

3 … 2 … 1 … Blast off! Alrika Möller from media update is exploring dark launches below. 

What is a dark launch? 

A dark launch is when new products or services are launched to a controlled group of people or without any media coverage or official announcement that can draw attention. 

Why are dark launches needed? 

When an official launch happens, you want to be sure that all the kinks and issues are worked out and fixed

A dark launch gives a brand the chance to sort out anything and everything that needs to be fixed. It also provides PR with an idea of how the new release will be received by the public before the official launch and campaign go live. 

Dark launches are the secret to a smooth, hard launch that will take the world by storm

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