Inspired by her late grandmother Mina Tabane, a resilient entrepreneur and pensioner, Sebothoma witnessed first-hand the struggles faced by many in accessing clean energy, says Hakem Energies.
Tabane's daily routine of waking up at 03:00 to prepare fat cakes for sale and provide for her family highlighted the harsh realities of relying on wood or cow dung for fuel, leading to health hazards and safety concerns, adds the company.
"Hakem Energies invests in education and awareness of gas cylinder usage, aiming to empower communities and mitigate the risks associated with traditional fuel sources," says Sebothoma during the official launch of Hakem Energies on Friday, 16 February in Rustenburg.
According to Hakem Energies, as an authorised distributor of Oryx Energies, Sebothoma's endeavour has garnered praise from industry leaders, including Oryx Energies' managing director Pam Indurjeeth, who commended Sebothoma's determination and vision.
Gadibolae Dihlabi, managing director of LPG South Africa, emphasised Sebothoma's commitment to community development and women's empowerment through her strategic approach to introducing LPG solution, says the company.
The launch event witnessed unanimous applause for Sebothoma's dedication to improving the lives of ordinary citizens and addressing pressing societal issues, Hakem Energies says.
The company says, with safety and education at the forefront, Hakem Energies plans to roll out extensive community outreach and activation programmes to educate the public on the proper handling and usage of gas cylinders.
Hakem Energies concludes that the initiative aims to mitigate accidents and fatalities associated with gas usage while providing a reliable, clean and affordable energy source, especially as South Africa braces for the winter months and the challenges of load shedding persist.
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