Located in the township of Khayelitsha, ActivateHer works to dismantle traditional gender stereotypes associated with sports by offering girls aged three to 14 from vulnerable socioeconomic backgrounds the chance to engage in physical activity and guided play in a safe, supportive space.

Using the power of sports, ActivateHer says that it translates what is played on the field or court into education about leadership development, physical health and life skills.

"It has been incredibly important for me to meet the amazing young girls in Cape Town. We shared our stories, played games, danced and learned a lot from each other," says Nadia Nadim, H&M's brand mover and professional football player.

"It was my mission to boost their confidence and let them know that no matter where they came from or what obstacles they faced, they have the power within them to succeed. Their strength equally boosted my confidence and believe in myself," adds Nadim.

According to the duo, the partnership with ActivateHer forms part of H&M Move's community programme, Move Together, which enables access for young people to experience all the benefits of moving together — physically, mentally and socially.

The programme helps young individuals overcome barriers, fostering a sense of belonging and thriving through collective movement.

Earlier in 2024, H&M Move, through its Move Together programme, announced a two-year global partnership with non-profit WomenWin to promote girls' and women's empowerment through sport, with a special emphasis on football.

With this partnership, H&M Move supports Women Win's ONSIDE Fund, focusing on hyperlocal organisations to address inequalities through movement. ActivateHer is one of the seven organisations supported by this initiative, alongside others based in:

  • Colombia
  • Costa Rica
  • Guatemala
  • Jordan
  • Mexico, and
  • the United Kingdom.

ActivateHer's mission is to empower girls through sports to become agents of change within their communities and fulfil their potential as young women and global citizens.

Rather than focusing on mastering a sport, ActivateHer encourages girls to learn about themselves and their abilities. The organisation says that it employs local young women from within local communities to coach sessions, serving as relatable role models and mentors for the girls.

Adele Bruggeman, founding director of ActivateHer, says, "The partnership with H&M Move is an incredible opportunity to introduce more girls to sport-for-development programming tailored to their needs. Alongside this, we see the expansion of our community-based coaching staff as a crucial step towards cultivating more female advocates for equity and health, who can make a lasting impact on the lives of girls and their communities." 

"Visiting the team of ActivateHer in Cape Town has been truly inspiring. Adele Bruggeman's dedication plays an instrumental role in empowering these young girls," says Diana Amini, head of H&M's Move Together Community Programme.

"Together with our Brand Mover Nadia Nadim and the young female coaches, we spent a day in the park, participating in various activities, which underscored the importance of removing barriers to participate in sport and the joy of moving together," concludes Amini.

For more information, visit www.hm.com.

*Image courtesy of contributor