I am an Avengers girl, so here's how I see it:

Each member has something that only they can do — like flying, calling up lightning or shooting a target perfectly with a bow and arrow, while jumping off a building

But when you start creating your PR Avengers, you need to have some Nick Fury-level vision to choose the right members with the right skills. 

It is impossible to know in advance what kind of projects or alien-like threats your team will have to deal with. That is why you have to assemble a team fit for any PR situation. 

While it might make sense to hire a person for each task, remember that someone can have more than one skill. The main priority should always be to have the right people and the necessary skills. 


Alrika Möller from media update lists the requirements you need to build your superhero PR team:




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*Image courtesy of Canva 

**Sources used include Indeed, Upwork & USC Annenberg