'Recycling Hampers of Hope' is a TGRC initiative providing recycling bags filled with protective recycling gear, including heavy-duty gloves and goggles, warm clothing items and non-perishable food items. These individuals tirelessly collect recyclable glass, foster the sustainability of the environment and provide a source of income for themselves, says TGRC. 

These hampers will be distributed to 100 collectors via two local glass Buy-Back Centres, Zama Zama in the Johannesburg CBD and Unconventional Recycling located in Germiston, adds TGRC.

In honour of 67 minutes, the TGRC team says that it also prepared a warm and hearty meal for recyclers in collaboration with One Small Act of Kindness, a local charity and soup kitchen that targets the Randburg community, where many collectors and homeless men and women live.

"As a company committed to sustainability and community support, we believe it is our duty to assist those who play a crucial role in our recycling efforts," says Shabeer Jhetam, CEO of The Glass Recycling Company. "By supporting local recyclers, we are fostering a cleaner and more sustainable environment for future generations. 

TGRC consists of a team dedicated to increasing glass recycling in South Africa. The company says that it's passionate about ensuring every South African realises the value of recycling glass and actively embraces this practice.

According to TGRC, it strives to educate, enable, encourage and inspire individuals to separate their glass for recycling, but does not physically collect or recycle the glass. The company also aims to uplift impoverished communities by creating income-generating opportunities and skills development in the recycling sector. 

TGRC concludes that it is funded by its committed members who manufacture glass or package their products in glass. The company believes in the infinite potential of glass to make a real and positive contribution to society. 

For more information, visit www.theglassrecyclingcompany.co.za. You can also follow TGRC on Facebook, LinkedIn or on X

*Image courtesy of contributor