No, I am not talking about framing someone for a crime — although it might be a good PR strategy in a pinch

I am also not referring to hanging something on a wall. 

PR framing is an art form in itself. It is a skill that every PR needs for moments where the facts don't match up with the goal, or when a crisis threatens to stain a reputation. 

Public relations professionals need to know how to frame a story if they are hoping to build and create a positive reputation for any brand or person. 

Paint brushes at the ready because Alrika Möller from media update offers a masterclass in the art of framing. 



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Have a message you are busy framing? Make sure it will be a success by checking out The Perfect Time For a Press Statement [Infographic]

*Image courtesy of Canva

**Sources used include ASM Media & PR, LinkedIn, amaSocial, Newsclip and Focal Points