Approach Bollywood has announced that it has joined hands with Go Spiritual to launch a campaign against drunk driving. The campaign 'Aaj Mere Paas Gadi Hai' is a call for responsible celebrations, emphasising the importance of making safer choices during the festive season.
The duo says that the campaign, which will run across social media platforms until Wednesday, 1 January, harnesses the power of Bollywood to deliver its message. Drawing inspiration from the iconic line in Deewar, where Amitabh Bachchan's character proudly declares, "Aaj mere paas gaadi hai, bangla hai, bank balance hai," the campaign adapts it to say, "Even then, I don't drink and drive."
Adding to its narrative, the duo adds that the campaign also incorporates the dialogue from Kanoon, "Kanoon ke haath bahut lambe hote hain." This line serves as a reminder of the legal consequences of drunk driving. It emphasises that no one is above the law and that reckless behaviour can result in severe penalties, urging people to act responsibly during the festive season.
This approach leverages Bollywood's cultural influence to resonate with audiences, the duo adds, merging cinema with a critical social message. Another example from the campaign incorporates the advice Veeru gives Basanti in Sholay, "Don't dance in front of these dogs." Reinterpreted, it urges people to avoid creating chaos by drinking and driving, stating: "Don't drink, drive, or create a scene."
Sonu Tyagi, the Founder of Approach Entertainment and Go Spiritual, highlights the urgency of addressing drunk driving, especially during New Year's celebrations. Tyagi says, "New Year's Eve is a time of joy and celebration, but it is also one of the most dangerous nights on the road due to intoxicated driving. Through this campaign, we aim to save lives by raising awareness and promoting responsible behaviour. Bollywood has an unparalleled ability to connect with people and by blending its charm with a crucial social message we hope to make a lasting impact."
Approach Bollywood and Go Spiritual say that as they champion the message not to drink and drive, they remind everyone that celebrations should be joyous and not marred by preventable tragedies. With their combined efforts, the campaign aims to inspire a cultural shift toward safer, more mindful festivities, ensuring that the dawn of 2025 is filled with hope and happiness.
As the clock ticks closer to midnight on Tuesday, 31 December let us all resolve to make safer choices. A single decision to refrain from drinking and driving can save countless lives, ensuring that the New Year begins on a note of safety, joy and responsibility, the duo concludes.
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