Established in 1969, LifeLine Johannesburg exists to facilitate the emotional wellness of individuals and communities in the Greater Johannesburg area. 'Emotional wellness' centres on the acceptance of one’s emotions and feelings — including the ability to realistically evaluate one’s limitations and effectively cope with life’s challenges.

LifeLine Johannesburg has come to the awareness and understanding that 'emotional wellness' is the key to achieving balanced, thriving and healthy individuals and communities. One of the most common sources of emotional wellness is in helping the less fortunate. The experience of serving others has provided many with a sense of fulfilment; value; and purpose in their lives. More often than not, the opportunity has led to higher levels of self-awareness and growth in areas never previously experienced.

LifeLine volunteers have empowered many individuals and communities with vital knowledge; emotional support; and confidential counselling, and have enabled them to deal more effectively with life’s challenges and traumas.

LifeLine Johannesburg is presently registering applicants for its popular Counselling Course, beginning on 17 August. There are two information sessions taking place on 20 July from 10:00 to 11:30 and from 19:00 to 20:30.

While the course is the core requirement for preparing volunteers to become LifeLine counsellors, it contains essential Personal Growth and Interpersonal Skills for any one who wishes to explore all aspects of their life, promote their own growth and self-awareness as well as their ability to hear and relate more meaningfully to others in their lives.

The course is an exciting and challenging process - the learning takes place in small groups, each with two experienced LifeLine Facilitators. LifeLine works on the principles of respect; non-judgement; and personal responsibility – based on the Person-Centred Approach of Carl Rogers.

The facilitators take great care to create a safe and appropriate space and while the greatest growth comes from fully engaging in the group, no one is ever forced to participate. Trainees are encouraged to experiment with their own reactions and responses to others, as well as to learn better and more effective ways of communicating.

The first 12 sessions of Module 1 are devoted to Personal Growth and Self-Awareness. Trainees are encouraged to learn as much about themselves as they possibly can, because LifeLine believes that in order to enter someone else's world you must first know your own world. The remaining ten sessions in Module 2 focus on learning specific counselling skills.

On completion of both modules of the course, trainees may put themselves forward for selection as LifeLine counsellors.

For more information, contact Pauline or Lorraine on 011 728 1331 or email