The platform took a look back at the phrases 'grateful' and 'thankful for' used since March 15, as compared to the previous month. It was found that there is a 37% growth in these terms, with more than 265 million Tweets about being thankful and grateful around the world.

The use of the pray ??and clap ??emojis are also up 50% and 10% respectively.
To give back and highlight the millions of Tweets using these positive terms, Twitter is launching a new emoji, activated by using '#thankful' '#gratitude' and a few other variations of the words.
These are the things people are most thankful/grateful for, based on their Tweets:
• Medical workers
• Grocery workers
• Their family
• Cleaning & sanitation workers
• Their friends
Here are some examples of Tweets from South Africans showing their appreciation: