When it comes to your brand’s perception on social media, positivity is key. This is because positive sentiment, humour and uplifting content can draw in an audience and potential new clients. Not only is this type of content highly relatable, but long-lasting and positive messages will ensure a loyal consumer base.

What makes a brand’s voice attractive and resonate with its audience? Your brand’s online presence needs to be embedded with a positive streak that is continuous and dependable.

With the world facing lockdowns and uncertainty, every individual is looking for uplifting content to connect with and to find comfort in. This is a goal that every brand should aim to meet when it comes to their voice.

“But what about ROI and seeing tangible results on my bottom line?”, you ask. Having a loyal online following is more than just having a couple of metrics on a digital platform. It's your brand’s open door to an unmeasurable market that is waiting for you to impact their lives with positive and authentic content that resonates with them on a personal level.

Not only does this type of content make your consumers feel good and want to engage with you, but people will also start to associate positivity with the brand. But, how do you know that they’ll do this? Well, with sentiment analysis, of course!

If you prefer to just watch social media conversations and not engage through a brand channel, then look at who is talking about you and see what they are saying. Once you understand the brand’s sentiment, you are able to focus on the positive points and amplify that in your content.

Here, the team at amaSocial explains it all in this infographic:

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