Social media trends seem to come and go like a WIFI signal while you are streaming something — here one moment and gone the next

But somehow a trend manages to not only stick around but grow in popularity, and now everyone (or should I say every brand) is jumping on the bandwagon. The trend now in question is EGC.

It is impossible to open TikTok without seeing videos of office humour, fit checks or social media managers begging people to be in the company video. That is why I made the sacrifice of scrolling through TikTok for hours and hours just to get you the tea on EGC

Camera at the ready because media updates Alrika Möller created the only guide you will need to master EGC. 


What is Employee-Generated Content? 

EGC is a trend that started taking off on social media (mainly TikTok). It revolves around the idea that brands no longer create social media ads or stiff branded content. Social media managers create TikTok and Instagram videos that show the human side of a company.

These videos include everything from behind-the-scenes content to office humour, fit checks or even just employees jumping on other social media trends


How did Employee-Generated Content Start?

In 2020, a lot of people started working from home and an insane amount of people started spending time on social media. This led to a boost in content about working from home.

When companies started going back to the office part-time and even full-time in 2021 and 2022, it caused a shift in the type of content out there. Not only were people used to seeing fun and human videos on TikTok and Instagram, but they were all of a sudden back in an office

TikTok's been asking brands to make ads that don't feel like ads for years now, and social media managers cracked the code. Don't make ads! Make content! 

And so, EGC was born


Why is Employee-Generated Content Popular? 

EGC content managed to do something that social media managers have dreamt of for years… making brand content popular all on its own. These videos get a lot of views, likes and laughs for a few different reasons. 

People are tired of seeing super professional, branded content. Posting content about the employees humanises the brand. It puts a face — or faces — to the name and highlights the fact that the people working at these companies are people just like you

When you can relate to the office jokes or posts in general, you will start to relate more to the brand. When you relate to the brand, you are definitely more likely to try the brand. When you try the brand, there is always the chance that you will like the brand, which could turn you into a loyal customer

Videos that are funny and relatable — or use a current trend — will also be more likely to go viral, causing more people to see the content and become aware of your brand. This is also known as increasing brand awareness

Loyal customers and brand awareness are every brand's dream! 


How Do You Create Effective Employee-Generated Content?

Okay, so we have finally reached the part you have been waiting for: the How To.

It was worth the wait because it is important to know the what, when and why to get this particular brand of content right. It is actually not as simple as filming in an office. 

Know Your Goal

We know why it is so popular, but knowing your goals is the key to deciding what type of content you want to create. The type of content you create when you want to increase brand awareness is different from the type of content you create when you want to increase brand loyalty

The British fashion and lifestyle publication SheerLuxe realised that fashion and lifestyle are tough industries to be in. People no longer trust these publications blindly. That is why it created LuxeGen

LuxeGen is the name of the SheerLuxe social pages that feature the GenZs that work at Sheerluxe. It has podcasts, YouTube channels and a plethora of content on TikTok and Instagram about their office fits and lifestyle tidbits

The content posted on the various LuxeGen platforms establishes its name as an industry leader, causing the people who view the content to trust what is published. 

Use Current Trends

Trends are a great way to start when you want to make EGC. TikTok and Instagram trends are a dime a dozen, so there should be at least one trend out there that fits your brand and that you have the right vibe for. 

Trends can be anything from a sound, filter or phrase — "I work at media update; of course, I scroll on TikTok for research" — that type of thing. 

The trend will build a following and get you views, then you can start creating your own stuff

The South African clothing brand Me and B started jumping on office humour trends for its social media. Some of the videos managed to get quite a lot of views. This managed to get its name out there so that its 'branded' content or more advertisy posts get a lot of views as well. This increased Me and B’s brand awareness throughout the country. 

Create a Personality

There is a reason why brands so often use spokespersons or celebrity partnerships. People love if there is a face to the brand, and they subconsciously attach the celebrity's personality to the brand as well. 

With that being said, the modern-day consumer has evolved quite a lot, which is why Employee-Generated Content is so big. 

Create a specific personality for your brand's page and content. Your audience will then relate to the personality — or they will just vibe with it. Either way, it will be beneficial to your brand. 

This personality can be anything from always creating humorous videos, poking fun at office stereotypes or having the same people featured in the content. 

The social media manager for Semrush, an American marketing agency, started creating TikTok videos and Instagram Reels of himself doing his job. He often joked about being a team of one, as well as showing some insights into his day-to-day

The videos started becoming popular and getting mega views, and Chris is now a regular feature on my own fyp. Now people will think of a funny, tongue-in-cheek and current personality every time they think of Semrush. Well done, Chris. 

Employee-Generated Content does not have to be an HR nightmare. When done correctly, it can elevate your brand's social media presence to new heights.


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It’s all good and well to know how to do it, but is EGC right for your brand? We are Debating Employee-Generated Content — in 300 words or less.

*Image courtesy of Canva