Social media platforms are mysterious.

Just as soon as you feel like you have them figured out, things change — again.

And just like that, you’re back to where the game last saved.

These fast-changing circumstances can:

  • make accounts grow really slowly
  • show negative growth, or
  • show no change whatsoever.

Now, you might think that an account that shows negative growth is the worst off out of them all, but there are a few reasons why you should be much more worried if your account is showing no change at all.

media update’s Joreke Kleynhans explains why social media at a standstill is worse than social media that is growing backwards.

You want to make people feel something every time they view your content.

Most successful social media accounts provide value, feel-good content, or a funny escape from reality. Some accounts thrive on audience outrage. Other accounts draw people in with the mystery of if they are satirical or simply radical.

As long as an account makes people feel some type of way, it will be in a constant state of gaining and losing engagement and followers. Ideally, you want to gain more than you are losing.

However, if it’s the other way around, you at least still have an indication of how your content is being received.

This is not the case with stagnating accounts.

Stagnant statistics point to:

  • general disinterest
  • indifference, and
  • neutrality over whether your content exists or not.

When this happens and people essentially give no response to what you provide, you don’t have any insight into how your content is received. Insight is your compass in the digital world, and without it, you may wander around aimlessly.

If this is you right now, your best bet is switching things up through trial and error. May the odds be ever in your favour.

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Did you know that you can achieve success on social media without revealing your identity? Find out how in our article, How You Can Achieve Social Media Success Anonymously.

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