“We work with hundreds of agencies across South Africa, the United Kingdom, United States and Australia, and while every agency runs differently, we’ve found that so many have the same problems around workflow, process, and efficiency,” says Debby Querido, content marketing manager at Magnetic. 

“Some recognise the danger in running without proper systems and processes, but many have accepted this pervasive chaos as part-and-parcel of operating in the agency space. We knew if we wanted to overcome this inertia, we’d have to be pretty brazen about it,” she explains.
By implementing a proper workflow across their studios, agencies can begin to run more efficiently and productively. This is key to making clients happier and turning studios into prosperous businesses, according to Querido. 

“Our clients often ask us for help in setting up structures in their businesses. Now, we can point them to this ebook. We believe there isn’t anything else quite like it in the industry, because agencies tend to be secretive about their processes and the rules they follow to manage work efficiently.”

The publication is the result of extensive research into successful creative agencies and the rules and processes they follow. Since its launch in 2012, Magnetic has built solid relationships within the agency space, and as a result, many businesses were willing to share their insights.

Within the e-book, readers will find downloadable workflows for three key studio positions – traffic managers, account managers, and creatives. It also includes the Magnetic Workflow Blueprint, a step-by-step process that can be customised to suit different agencies.

“We know that process can be a contentious topic and that there isn’t one standard set of practices that can be applied to every agency,” says Querido. “But agencies need to draw a line in the sand and make a commitment to start somewhere. That’s the goal of this blueprint: to give studios a starting point to set them on the path to consistency.”

Some businesses may not need to tweak it the blueprint, while others might have to. For the latter group, Magnetic has provided a set of non-negotiable agency rules, the #Magnetic19, to help keep these companies on track even when they make changes to the blueprint.

The ebook is available for download here.

For more information, visit magnetichq.com. Alternatively, connect with them on Facebook or on Twitter.