Wandile Setlhodi, head of marketing SSA at JCDecaux, spoke to media update’s Adam Wakefield about why JCDecaux will be sponsoring the Outdoor Category at the Loeries 2017, and what outdoor can offer advertisers that other forms of marketing cannot.

Why has JCDecaux chosen to sponsor the Outdoor category at this year’s Loeries?

As JCDecaux, we pride ourselves in partnering with the Loeries to celebrate creativity and excellence in outdoor advertising.

As the official sponsor of the Outdoor & Out of Home Category, and the official supplier of out of home media to the Loeries, we are proud to be affiliated with an internationally recognised award that recognises, rewards, inspires and fosters creative excellence in the brand communication industry.

JCDecaux believes this is an opportunity to celebrate the highest levels of creativity and excellence in advertising and to show support for upholding world-class levels of creativity in the advertising industry, standards we champion as a leader in out-of-home solutions. 

What is the Funnel of Outdoor Advertising Influence?

Outdoor advertising is not just a vehicle for raising awareness, it can also drive purchase consideration and intent, and be used to communicate brand positioning.

The scale, viewability, and dramatic effect of outdoor advertising helps marketers create cut-through and capture consumer attention in a world where other messages struggle to get through.

Less appreciated is the variety of marketing objectives it can achieve. As brands have shown recently, outdoor has applications at different stages of the purchase funnel and can execute on several elements of a marketing strategy.

In an omnichannel world, how can outdoor advertising be integrated with digital and other forms of advertising? Where lies the future of outdoor advertising?

Billboard, transit, and street furniture advertising have strong track records of working extremely well alongside other platforms. One common form of integration is the coupling of outdoor advertising with online marketing to create a lasting impression and remind the consumer of the message being portrayed.

While outdoor advertising is a great way to build brand awareness, it also offers the opportunity to drive new customers to engage with your brand on a more personal level. Running an online campaign alongside your out-of-home advertising takes advantage of these patterns in modern consumer behaviour.

What do you believe are the biggest misconceptions other disciplines of advertising have about outdoor advertising?

Despite the common misconception, outdoor advertising is an easy medium to plan and buy and it remains remarkably cost effective, even as nearly all other business costs have risen.

One of the most noticeable benefits of outdoor advertising is that it has a high impact. The outdoor campaign cannot be ‘off’ and forms part of the consumer’s environment. The adverts have presence 24 hours a day, seven days a week, creating sustained awareness.

Outdoor adverts can be targeted in specific locations to reach niche audiences or displayed nationwide to communicate with a mass audience. Ads on buses, trains, and billboards have the potential to reach a huge audience and a vast range of demographics.

EXTENDED DEADLINE for entries into Loeries 2017 Wednesday, 31 May. For more information, visit www.loeries.com.

Last year, Donovan Goliath spoke to young creatives at the Loeries and, this year, he’s back for more. Read more in our article, Loeries® 2017: Donovan Goliath returns to educate young creatives

*Image courtesy of JCDecaux