Today, the world runs on a new currency: data. A lot of it gets churned out on the daily — 2.5 quintillion bytes, to be exact. This sea of information can be overwhelming if you don't know where to look for the right ones that can help your business.

Digital marketers must know what the most critical data is to get from your customers, from the channels they frequent. Marketers must also be able to use this knowledge to deliver a better experience for higher customer retention.

Digital marketing campaigns will also undoubtedly work better if there is data to back them up. And, when these campaigns work, you can expect a boost in ROI, sales and all the good things that are desired for a business.

Thankfully, data collection isn't too much of a challenge anymore. This is because 67% of customers are happy to share their information if it benefits them in some form — this can be in the form of freebies or discounts from the brand. You just need to know how to sort and analyse what you receive.

Here are four types of customer data you can use to improve your marketing campaigns:

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