The new report shares what research shows about Gen Z and explains what that means for news media companies.

Using six case studies from around the world, as wlel as drawing on research from the Reuters Institute, Pew Research Center and Borrell Associates in the United States, the report looks at what companies are doing to connect with Gen Z.

Additionally, it also explains how it's working and shares what they have planned to continue attracting this important audience segment.

What Gen Z + Media Need From Each Other explores the following three topics:
  1. 'How and why platforms matter'
  2. 'Engaging and retaining Gen Z', and
  3. 'Gen Z in the newsroom'.

Written by INMA Ideas Blog editor Paula Felps, What Gen Z + Media Need From Each Other details three key takeaways in engaging with Gen Z:
  1. Social media via their phone is a Zoomers preferred platform for news.
  2. This generation seeks authenticity and avoids crisis coverage.
  3. Engaging this generation means hiring them.

As Gen Z enters adulthood and becomes the next generation of news consumers, the old playbook needs to be rewritten for a digital-first world, according to the INMA report.

This means understanding their platforms, like TikTok and YouTube, and their worldview, which is more global and connected than any other generation.

Additionally, engaging the 25-and-under generation means hiring them. Per the report, including Gen Z in the newsroom requires creating a Zoomer-friendly work environment with:
  • collaborative workspaces
  • flexible schedules
  • room for experimentation, and
  • continuous skill development.

Among the report's case studies are
  • Germany's Funke Zentralredaktion
  • The Australian
  • The Wall Street Journal in the United States of America
  • Norway's Dagens Næringsliv
  • The News Movement in London, and
  • The Sydney Morning Herald in Australia.

What Gen Z and Media Need From Each Other
is available for free to INMA members and registered users at All others can register and download it here.

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